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[IC] Chapter 2-5: You're whirling 'round...
OOC - just realised that Toot and Boo don't have darkvision (both of them have low light vision), and with his darkvision Lugar shouldn't have said any colours. So what kind of (dim) light does Toot muster to avoid stumbling?
OOC2 - IIRC someone took Maul's goggles, but who was it? Portho offered them to the team but I couldn't find any references that anyone would've taken the opportunity. Until further notice I'll assume the party's only person without dark/low light vision (Shanna) took it.

Lugar nods,
"See that fatty batch on the edge? Beyond, the big one with serrated edges."
OOC - showed the direction Lugar points at but I leave it to Toot to figure out which square to target exactly (Faerie fire is an area effect, to my biggest surprise... I'll give you a token with a 5' radius area and you can move it to its designated place.

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RE: Chapter 2-5: You're whirling 'round... - by DM Surranó - 09-13-2017, 08:28 AM

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