When the guards pour in, stunning stragglers then scanning the Bandits' IDs, Nova keeps her cool... and her volume low.
"Looks like you were right, Karst. Those goons were just lackeys."
"Looks like you were right, Karst. Those goons were just lackeys."
(08-04-2017, 10:46 AM)Man in Black Wrote:One of the guards whispers harshly in Rahallu's ear. "You cost me a lot of money, wookie. Next fight you better take a dive or it will go badly for you in here."
"Pawns on a Dejarik board."
As Rahullu answers the guard and Veir translates, Nova suddenly has an idea. If rumor of a Jedi prisoner had already reached the rebellion, the prison staff would also have to be well aware of what they (potentially) held in captivity, no?
Although this guard had just lost a lot of credits, Nova was willing to bet that he'd be interested in a Wookiee vs. Jedi Battle Royale. Still, she knew she had to play it subtle, without really revealing their hand.
Nova tries to see if there's anything especially memorable about the fellow addressing Rahullu, anything that would help her recognize him next time. Maybe a badge number or arm band designation? Hell, even a distinctive voice?
Then Nova shouts at their professed gambler, "Guard! I know how you could win it all back — and then some. Double or nothing. Triple even. Pit my Wookiee friend here against a real challenge. Someone special."