07-31-2017, 06:07 AM
Ummm what defense scores I am just staying under cover here.. Them Lobals could Jawa punt me to the ceiling with a single kick!
That being said now that the Lobal is bent over grabbing its crotch the little Jawa touches it and attempts to use the force to put it into a nice slumber.
Force Ability Induce Sleep
[3d6] = 16 Control
Spends a Force Point!
[4d6] = 18 Alter
Proximity Modifier +0 Touching
Resistance = Alter roll vs Will power (Persuasion) fail = sleep
That being said now that the Lobal is bent over grabbing its crotch the little Jawa touches it and attempts to use the force to put it into a nice slumber.
Force Ability Induce Sleep
[3d6] = 16 Control
Spends a Force Point!
[4d6] = 18 Alter
Proximity Modifier +0 Touching
Resistance = Alter roll vs Will power (Persuasion) fail = sleep