07-12-2017, 02:31 PM
(07-12-2017, 07:50 AM)Man in Black Wrote:Hey, if Snake can disguise himself as a cardboard box....
Remind me of what concentration does.
Control Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace; Difficult if the Jedi is filled with aggression, fear or other negative emotions; Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions.
Effect: When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative thoughts from her mind, feeling the Force flowing through the universe and her own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries. This power may be used in conjunction with Force Points or Character Points. This power is only in effect for one round and may not be kept "up."
Source: The Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Second Edition: Revised and Expanded (p143)
Whenever we used this power, I think we had it grant a +3D bonus total to the selected skill roll due to multi-action penalty, or had it affect the following round at +4D, provided that the Jedi spent the entire first round concentrating and the next one on the selected action only.