(06-16-2017, 07:59 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote: [OoC: OMG I just lost my entire post!! ]
[OoC2: I'm sorry for being away so long. I've been sick and still not feeling well. Jendu wouldn't have been hiding. He may be young but he's also eager to learn and prove himself to people with more experience.]
Jendu even has the best DEX of the entire group, but I kind of like that we all seem to have underestimated him IC. The bickering with Veir helped, I think
Out of curiosity, how old is Jendu? (Though she now has a lot of combat experience, Nova's 21 and Jendu doesn't seem to be that much younger.) Though it sounds like there's a Naboo-like junior/senior senator set-up for his homeworld.
Sucks about the sickness! Hope you're on the mend and that Jendu gets into the action again! (I'm lucky in that I get to post on the sly at work – shh! – hence the early-ish and/or frequent weekday posts).
Sucks too about the post issues. Seems to be a common bug here that some posts come up blank or otherwise wonky!