06-16-2017, 10:17 AM
Nova takes hold of the ship like never before and pulls some crazy manuevers out of her behind, opening up the gap between them and most of the fighters. One fighter manages to stay close to the freighter. Garlen fires the laser cannons, blasting off chunks of TIE. The TIE pilot holds the fighter together and lines up for a shot. Green lasers make a path towards the freighter, hitting where it was a split second ago as Nova barrels out of the way and into hyperspace.
(Everyone add a character point to your sheet for gameplay so far. You have a few hours of downtime before reaching the Corporate Sector. I'll give you guys a little time to gulp in some air and let the blood pressure even out before starting the next chapter.)
(Everyone add a character point to your sheet for gameplay so far. You have a few hours of downtime before reaching the Corporate Sector. I'll give you guys a little time to gulp in some air and let the blood pressure even out before starting the next chapter.)