Nova felt the Star Destroyer bearing down upon them, and she knew that this first swarm of starfighters would be only the beginning.
She heard Rahullu say something about the deflector shields, but her mind had already flashed back to her brief time on Jedha, a mission she still considered to be the highlight of her Imperial academic career. On the pilgrimage moon, so many were searching — trying to find their way in life — as Nova herself had been, before she found her cause... before Nova found the rebellion.
It was then that she remembered the mantra of the kind, blind monk she had met in the Holy City.
Nova spoke his words aloud. As she calculated their jump coordinates, she began to feel focused... and calm.
And she flew through a maze of enemy fire like she never had before.
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.”
I use the Force (Point)!
Astrogation 4Dx2 = 8D -2D multi-action [6d6] = 23 = 25
Speed - Starship Piloting [10d6] = 29 (6Dx2 = 12D -2D multi action = 10D) + Starship Speed Code [2d6] = 11 = 40
Evade - Starship Piloting [10d6] = 50 (6Dx2 = 12D -2D multi action = 10D)