Nova pitches in!
Cracken Rebel Field Guide (Jury-Rigging p.2-3)
Jawa trade talk (from Wookieepedia)
"To enable Jawas to more easily bargain and trade with other species, they relied on a simplified form of Jawaese, the Jawa Trade language which removed the use of scent in the language and was quite easily learned by species that commonly dealt with Jawa traders."
Common Phrases:
Mob un loo?—"How much?"
Mombay m'bwa.—"That's mine."
Tandi kwa!—"Give it back!"
Untinni!—"Come on!" or "Let's go!"
Togo togu!—"Hands off!"
Omu'sata.—"Shut up."
2 Questions :-)
1. Are we using the straight up "set number" 1E Difficulties, or the ranges introduced in the Rules Companion?
2. I didn't realize the trade talk difficulty had come from a reading of Jawa description, but if that is the case,
shouldn't we say it's a Very Easy language (difficulty 5) to learn since wookieepedia phrases it as "quite easily learned",
in that it's so so easy you're able to pick it up soon after being cheated by talking with some Jawas?
Cracken Rebel Field Guide (Jury-Rigging p.2-3)
Jawa trade talk (from Wookieepedia)
"To enable Jawas to more easily bargain and trade with other species, they relied on a simplified form of Jawaese, the Jawa Trade language which removed the use of scent in the language and was quite easily learned by species that commonly dealt with Jawa traders."
Common Phrases:
Mob un loo?—"How much?"
Mombay m'bwa.—"That's mine."
Tandi kwa!—"Give it back!"
Untinni!—"Come on!" or "Let's go!"
Togo togu!—"Hands off!"
Omu'sata.—"Shut up."
2 Questions :-)
1. Are we using the straight up "set number" 1E Difficulties, or the ranges introduced in the Rules Companion?
2. I didn't realize the trade talk difficulty had come from a reading of Jawa description, but if that is the case,
shouldn't we say it's a Very Easy language (difficulty 5) to learn since wookieepedia phrases it as "quite easily learned",
in that it's so so easy you're able to pick it up soon after being cheated by talking with some Jawas?