(06-09-2017, 09:39 AM)Man in Black Wrote: Been doing some thinking. I haven't run this in RL in over 10 year, but I've done pbp off and on over the years. What works in table top does not always work in pbp. Still, it has been awhile. I seem to remember having to adjust combat since declare actions, roll actions, roll reactions made combat drag with all the waiting. So let's try this method:
When you post your action, include your skill roll and a dodge roll while subtracting 1d from each for multiple actions. This will represent a bit of moving around while shooting, or shooting defensively. Your dodge roll is added to the difficulty number to hit you. If you just straight shooting and someone hits you, I will roll your dodge score as a last ditch effort. This dodge result will replace the difficulty number if the roll is higher, similar to 2e. I feel it's a good compromise especially since it quickly gets hard to hit PC's as they get better. Also go ahead and include damage rolls with your attacks.
Because I expect there to be a bit of brawling coming up, I've decided to revise the rules slightly. Brawling damage works much like setting blasters to stun. Wookies can still easily beat stormtroopers into submission. They just get back up after a little while. Longer if they have a concussion spotter on the bench.
what about total dodges then? Throwing stoormies is that stunn? what about breaking/disclocating bones with grab/loocks? and finally also what about reactiionary skill use?