06-05-2017, 03:48 AM
W00t! Now we're getting into it, so to speak.
1. Ship name nominations!? We probably won't wind up sticking with this ship, but I am curious.
2. We free to make up aliases then? Are we simply indie traders in this prologue -- or will all be revealed soon enough?
3. Poor Gamer 75 and his um... space illness! (Good allowance for later entry tho!)
4. I only stunned the Rodian -- he could've hit secondary alarms and/or shut security gates on us, you never know!
1. Ship name nominations!? We probably won't wind up sticking with this ship, but I am curious.
2. We free to make up aliases then? Are we simply indie traders in this prologue -- or will all be revealed soon enough?
3. Poor Gamer 75 and his um... space illness! (Good allowance for later entry tho!)
4. I only stunned the Rodian -- he could've hit secondary alarms and/or shut security gates on us, you never know!