05-19-2017, 06:46 PM
(05-19-2017, 02:27 PM)Telsij Wrote: Ahoy, Man in Black and Noctum. I have moved my character concept from the original game advertisement to the Character Sheet thread.
Coincidentally, I have her as a former Imperial cargo and personnel transport pilot who defected while bringing POWs to the Spice Mines of Kessel,
if Rahullu wants to have been one of those POWs from a couple of years ago? Wookiee bodyguard sounds good -- unless that's too "Han & Chewie"?
Re: splitting starship duties, will the former Imperial trooper or anyone else also will be mechanically inclined?
Your bodyguard he is....save you will he. Rewrote my background a little to get Nova into it.