05-15-2017, 12:17 PM
Not additive, that's fine.
"Fire heritage" is the name of the regional feat I remembered from PH (and I remembered salamander not efreet, but doesn't really matter). You called it "Bloodline" in Regional feats:
"Draconic bloodline" is the official name of the sorcerer's ancestral feature in PF and I chose silver dragon for this purpose, hence the cold bloodline. You called it "Sorcerer heritage" in House Rule 35:
So let's decide which one is called "bloodline" and what is the name of the other one. (I'm fine with calling both "bloodlines", maybe calling one "regional bloodline", the other one "sorcerer bloodline")
Since Regional Feat was free I would like to have Weapon Focus (ranged spell). I have to note that I don't know whether such a thing is explicitly mentioned anywhere (PHB mentions rays but not ranged in general), but it is a prerequisite for Ranged Spell Spec (Complete Arcane). In my reading this is a kind of replacement for WF (ray) since (ranged) includes all rays and all missiles that need an attack roll (e.g. Melf's Acid Arrow, or, more importantly, Ice Dagger)
"Fire heritage" is the name of the regional feat I remembered from PH (and I remembered salamander not efreet, but doesn't really matter). You called it "Bloodline" in Regional feats:
(01-19-2016, 06:19 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: Bloodline of Fire
PRE: Human (Calimshan) or Planetouched (Calimshan)
You grew up in a region where fire spirits once ran prevalent. As such, your people have the blood of efreet running through them. Gain a +4 save bonus vs. fire effects. In addition, you cast spells with the Fire descriptor at +2 caster level.
"Draconic bloodline" is the official name of the sorcerer's ancestral feature in PF and I chose silver dragon for this purpose, hence the cold bloodline. You called it "Sorcerer heritage" in House Rule 35:
(08-07-2015, 02:50 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: 35. Sorcerers gain Heritage from Pathfinder.
So let's decide which one is called "bloodline" and what is the name of the other one. (I'm fine with calling both "bloodlines", maybe calling one "regional bloodline", the other one "sorcerer bloodline")
Since Regional Feat was free I would like to have Weapon Focus (ranged spell). I have to note that I don't know whether such a thing is explicitly mentioned anywhere (PHB mentions rays but not ranged in general), but it is a prerequisite for Ranged Spell Spec (Complete Arcane). In my reading this is a kind of replacement for WF (ray) since (ranged) includes all rays and all missiles that need an attack roll (e.g. Melf's Acid Arrow, or, more importantly, Ice Dagger)