05-05-2017, 02:42 AM
Quote:In terms of the different plane thing...I don't know. I'm certain there are deities on this plane who fulfill similar portfolios to Selune. The one problem there may be one of specificity. She's devoted to Selune, but if she can't contact Selune on this plane, would she even try contacting any others?
For some reason, In this universe the worlds are slowly colliding into one another. The middle point seems to be the Cantus universe. As the worlds draw closer breeches are formed and people realized these breeches could be used to travel between universes. Eventually trade started to occur between the universes and this is why you can purchase pretty much any magic and any feat can be train for in the Cantus Universe. So knowing people from different worlds sometimes spill into other worlds, most gods of similar Portfolios and who are not diametrically opposed in alignment agreed to pretend to be traveler's god. And why wouldn't they when there is a chance a traveler might spread their god's religion to another world and gain a whole new world of worshipers! (WOO HOO!)
So it's doubtful that Selina will ever know that Selune isn't powering her spells. Because the Moon god in this world grants your abilities in the hope that one day fate will have one of his/her worshipers stumble into another universe to spread his beliefs (therefore growing the congregation into a brand new world) which would require the god of that world (who could even be Selune) to power his/her cleric's spells.
I hope that makes sense.