05-02-2017, 01:44 PM
Thanks for being generous with lending that xp. :humble: Maybe if you could lend 3k more?
HP for level 3 [1d4] = 1 +2 Con so +5hp for a grand total of 16
+1 Fort +1 Ref. Will and BaB don't change.
Feats: +1 feat ... pondering...
Skills: 2 class +2 Int +1 human = 5 = +2 Balance (cross-class but able learner), +1 Concentration, +1 Arcana, +1 Spellcraft
Spells known: +1 level 1 ... please remind me can I use Spell Compendium or similar sources? I like Ice Dagger, for example. Ranged, scales up, has some splash, and matches my draconic bloodline.
HP for level 3 [1d4] = 1 +2 Con so +5hp for a grand total of 16
+1 Fort +1 Ref. Will and BaB don't change.
Feats: +1 feat ... pondering...
Skills: 2 class +2 Int +1 human = 5 = +2 Balance (cross-class but able learner), +1 Concentration, +1 Arcana, +1 Spellcraft
Spells known: +1 level 1 ... please remind me can I use Spell Compendium or similar sources? I like Ice Dagger, for example. Ranged, scales up, has some splash, and matches my draconic bloodline.