04-29-2017, 12:27 AM
OoC - Forge is also a practiced ventriloquist. See, he just takes his three fingered hand and shoves them up... 
Forge lent his one hand in the pushing of the spider-corpse-raft along with Tomeal and Gilley. The odors did change, he noticed, but there was no reaction from him other than him watching the others briefly gag. Upon hearing the new voice, he stepped away from the dead shell and raised the torch to get a better look at the person. It looked like a kobold to Forge, so until proven otherwise he would protect the creature. (How big is the frog man?)

Forge lent his one hand in the pushing of the spider-corpse-raft along with Tomeal and Gilley. The odors did change, he noticed, but there was no reaction from him other than him watching the others briefly gag. Upon hearing the new voice, he stepped away from the dead shell and raised the torch to get a better look at the person. It looked like a kobold to Forge, so until proven otherwise he would protect the creature. (How big is the frog man?)