04-24-2017, 01:03 PM
(04-24-2017, 06:16 AM)Toot Wrote: [OoC: Actually I did mention the possibility of it being an Advanced Chimera... ]
Toot looks at Portho and says, "Why Gnomes thing they center of universe. Me already stated that me is good at speaking with rats. But me completely understand if Gnome feel his extra special speak with animals would some how impress the highly impressionable rats in sharing more information. Cuz we all know how rats appreciate someone who think they better than everyone else cuz they can speak to more creatures than just rats."
"Excuse me for thinking a druid might have noticed there were more animals about than just rats.'
"Oo Like two old men we are LOL... finding time to bicker while hunting a dragon heheC"