Quote:Speak Languages is a skill that grants you one language per rank and not per skill point spent, let alone competence bonus granted, and this latter thing is what skill items do. So sorry, no item will grant you a rank in a skill and as such, no language: Boo has to learn it, one skill point with every HD increase. And guess what; bears don't treat this skill as class skill, and, actually, only bards and some prestige classes (like thaumaturgists and loremasters) do.
The Circlet of Speaking states: "The creator of the item decides what language the circlet’s wearer can speak when she crafts the item (typically Common); once crafting is complete, this cannot be changed."
This would indicate that magic items can be crafted with a languages. The magic item's rules state all you need to have is the skill to craft an item OR someone with you that has the skill.
Quote:So Toot may also need to revise the skill points spent on those languages...
I am aware that Languages cost 2 points for characters without Speak Language on their class list. I have paid double. The Mythweaver sheet automatically does the calculations. So when you add a point to a Cross classed skill it adds TWO to your total number of skill points at the bottom of the skill list but only indicates 1 RANK on the skill itself. It was a little confusing how they do it but that's the way the do it. I can screen shot it for you if you wish for proof or you can test it yourself. Just be sure to tick the box to indicate that it is a CC skill.
Quote:The Circlet of Speaking sounds like an interesting item and it appears as a gauntlet in Crichton's Congo. The prerequisite of using that item is actually the ability to use sign language which happens to be a rank already spent on speak language for that matter...
Yes, except that was a movie. The circlet does not require sign language to use.
Quote:But getting back to conferring skills to any human being; I'm not convinced that any skill can be magically conferred to any being. Like, imagine +20 climb on an animated teflon-coated orb (read: zero friction on any surface).
Look up Epic rules. There is a DC for everything including swimming up a waterfall. Your teflon-coated orb could be a DC100 or DC1000 if you wanted. Also, the skill bonus limit for non-epic items is +30.
Quote:Of Ridiculously High Armor Class
A note on Toot's +9 AC. I'm guessing it comes from:
- Wis increase 23 to 24 on level 8
- Ioun stone grants +2 for a total of 26
- Thus, monk's belt grants 8+1
The bad news is that both the stone and Toot's current PoW grant enhancement bonuses and as such they don't stack. So maybe some other place to put your 8,000gp?
Ooops my bad. I thought the Ioun stone granted an insight bonus. I will have to keep shopping. Perhaps I might just sell my PoW because the Ioun stone doesn't merge with my body when I wild shape but the PoW does. I would have to remove the PoW before wild shaping and then put it back on after I shaped. But I can increase to bonus on the PoW. Hmmmm....