03-18-2017, 04:48 PM
I was in a hurry this morning and forgot to mention my main point about lending money. Toot has no reason to want to help someone he doesn't like nor trust. (No offence Portho) He has done nothing to help Toot or Boo. Portho offered to cure Boo then never followed through. Toot even argued with Portho about not curing Boo to give him another chance and Portho still didn't bother. He could have said, "Ooh sorry, I was distracted Here you go." But he didn't. Toot would have said no because Boo wasn't very hurt but to Toot it was a test for someone he doesn't trust and Portho fail 2 or 3 times! It's possible for someone like Lugar or maybe SG to convince him to pitch in because he has kind kind of likes them. But Portho asking or even Torin, isn't likely to get Toot to help.