03-10-2017, 02:38 AM
(03-09-2017, 11:41 PM)Reawyn Wrote: I already have some supplies we can use. Some we could probably use more of.
- Waterproof bag (I only have one for my formula book, but they are ionly 5sp each so maybe we should get a few more)
- 2 sunrods (6 hours of waterproof light each)
- 50' hemp rope
- grappling hook
- 5 iron spikes
- hammer
- crowbar
- 5 torches (30 minuytes of light each if we can keep them dry)
- 3 tindertwigs ( waterproof matches, to light torches wirth once we are out of the water)
- 1 flask of oil (could use it to get something to burn despite being wet)
- flint+steel
- sealing wax
- 50' string
things we could use more of:
- waterproof bags (especially if theer are any other spellbooks, firearms, gunpowder)
- torches
- lanterns or lamps (along with oil they are easier to light after gettingf wet)
- oil
- sunrods (alchemical light)
- candlerods (weaker alchemical light)
- healers kit
- chalk or charcoal (we can get this free from any firepit)
Here is the problem:
without my pack mule, I will be heavily encumbered just carrying what I already have
THIS. I think we have our expert. Lead on sir.