03-04-2017, 03:50 AM
(03-04-2017, 02:20 AM)Jhaeman Wrote: For the gunslinger: my personal opinion is that, since you're going up against Touch AC, you're not going to miss very often. Precise Shot is nice, but not necessary, if there's another feat you're burning to take. Pathfinder does have rules for Retraining, but they're an optional subsystem (not part of the Core Rulebook) and thus up to the GM whether to implement or not.
Agreed, Point Blank shot and Rapid Reload seem like really good choices to me. Being able to get reloaded quickly will have a much higher impact in game than precise shotat lower levels. As we progress in levels perhaps Rapid reload may be worth less and retrainable. That is if he gets multiple firearms to keep preloaded and Quick Draw, but even then it is a solid feat.