12-30-2016, 06:31 PM
[OoC: Portho hasn't shared any information yet about how to kill the thing. I'm guessing with what Maul stated about the pointy stick that we are assuming Portho told us everything we need to know about Vamps?]
After Toot's last encounter with that ghost-thing, he was extremely interested in knowing more about undead. So while the other sharpen their stick(s) to a fine point, Toot will ask Portho every question he can think of about this vampire-creature.
When the thing suddenly speaks, Toot is startled so badly that if it weren't for being braced by his military saddle he likely would have tumbled to the ground. These undead things terrified him. Well actually, everything bigger than him terrified Toot. But these things were not only scary but also completely unnatural and went against everything his master taught.
"KILL IT! KILL IT!" Toot squeaks in terror.
Once the Vampire was surely dead for good, Toot vowed if he ever got out of this place, he was going to begin learning everything he could about these abominations against nature.
After Toot's last encounter with that ghost-thing, he was extremely interested in knowing more about undead. So while the other sharpen their stick(s) to a fine point, Toot will ask Portho every question he can think of about this vampire-creature.
When the thing suddenly speaks, Toot is startled so badly that if it weren't for being braced by his military saddle he likely would have tumbled to the ground. These undead things terrified him. Well actually, everything bigger than him terrified Toot. But these things were not only scary but also completely unnatural and went against everything his master taught.
"KILL IT! KILL IT!" Toot squeaks in terror.
Once the Vampire was surely dead for good, Toot vowed if he ever got out of this place, he was going to begin learning everything he could about these abominations against nature.