12-22-2016, 04:58 AM
(12-21-2016, 04:03 AM)Nexendia Wrote: Nex was relieved the prisoner seemed to see reason rather than being pig-headed. She leaves Scarf by the door to the room where Andra was feeding the Bandit. With their empathy, Scarf could instantly warn her if he tried anything to harm Andra.
Nexendia then walks quietly outside to see what the brothers were up to. Upon hearing them making plans to possibly go hunting and scouting, she quietly says, "I'm confident you are both experienced hunters but this is untamed wilderness. Splitting our strength could invite all sorts of mishaps. His friends could have ambushes waiting for unfamiliar travelers."
[OoC just making sure you have events/locations in order:
Happs is outside not indoors, still sitting in teh courtyard, though no longer tied up.
The brothers were in the stables, but Valdi has already left the stables and walked back out to the group.
I think Vidar was speaking in Skaldic when he suggested the hunt to Valdi, which Valdi ignored as his brother being foolish (I did not suggest the hunt, I came out and asked teh group what next)]
"Going on a hunt right now would be a fool's errand, unless it were to hunt these brigands. Either we need to forrtify the outpost, ort we need to find a way to take the fight to the bandits. Either way we need to do it as a group or we are doomed to fail. Now is not teh time to go looking for wild game. Happ's skill as a hunter is NOT for the immediate moment, but rather a way for him to earn his keep for Oleg"