(12-02-2016, 11:50 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: "There was no malice to me not singing, I was just very injured and my singing would do no good if the next moment I was slain. Just remind me not to let the big guy carry me, he tends to carry me straight into danger before I can get safely clear."
Then to Boo he gives a few short, high pitched grunts and growls - "Are you injured anywhere your friend needs to know about, either he or I can lick wounds better."
"Sing or cure -- Do whatever. But if you're going to ignore my suggestions, don't be offering suggestions of your own and expecting them to be followed."
Boo was hesitant to reply to Portho. He couldn't understand what his complanion was saying but he could sense Toot wasn't happy. This translated to Boo to be cautious or angry at Portho. So Boo growls a reply which roughly translated into, "Yes, hurt. But you make friend angry. Friend wise about world. Don't trust you."
Toot will take note of his companions wounds. He had converted all of his healing to summonings so preferring to use magic which can be replenished easily (by sleep) he asks the Priests for assistance with Boo's wounds. If they are unable to help, he will allow Portho to use his wand. He wasn't going to let his companion hurt just because he was angry at the Bard.
[OoC: Toot has Spellcraft 11; and knowledge Nature 13 for seasons, cycles (such lunar or solar), and weather.]