As Mr. Piercings draws, Dez levels the business end of her blaster rifle at him and chambers a grenade, with a slight squeeze of the weapon's second trigger mechanism. Her action and reaction time appears almost a blur to the casual eye.
"If that little blaster is for me, mind you don't raise the barrel or I'll blow a hole through you, Sleemo!" She warns them both. "Answer the question and we'll politely let you two continue with the drinking and the other things you've mentioned."
"This would not be the first cantina I've levelled today." She adds, with a shrug. "Feel Me?!"
"Besides, Veil would not take it kindly to either of you damaging me. That is, if you value your lives."
"If that little blaster is for me, mind you don't raise the barrel or I'll blow a hole through you, Sleemo!" She warns them both. "Answer the question and we'll politely let you two continue with the drinking and the other things you've mentioned."
"This would not be the first cantina I've levelled today." She adds, with a shrug. "Feel Me?!"
"Besides, Veil would not take it kindly to either of you damaging me. That is, if you value your lives."