(11-22-2016, 12:34 PM)DM Surranó Wrote:(11-22-2016, 09:55 AM)Torin Wrote: http://www.superdan.net/gaming/dnd3/spel...d10_as.gif
RAW, "The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection"
i.e. zero dimensions, zero area.
but it's lame that you are not exactly the center of the spell, and it's also interesting if you are smaller than small, occupying less than one square. Maybe you are in the middle of a square; which grid intersection is it, then?
So I understand the idea of using a 25 square feet (to be more exact, 125 cubic feet) "spot" as point of origin but I fail to muster the willingness to find out how "official" this source is.
I use the center of the token instead which is quite intuitive IMO. With the token having a "radius" of 2.5 feet, you simply subtract 2.5 from the intended radius and there you go.
I read a lot about this topic and found these:
- IMHO the linked images is not following the official rules.
- You must select a grid intersection of the creature's space. (4 possible corner for medium or smaller creatures, 9 possible grid intersection for a large creatures, ...)
DnD 3.5 FAQ Wrote:A turn/rebuke attempt is similar to, but not exactly like, a 60-foot-radius spherical burst. Like a burst, the effect expands from the point of origin (which must be a grid intersection of the turning character’s space) out to a maximum distance from the point of origin.
- We have two choices to model this grid intersection in roll20:
- use a technical token: we put the this token to a grid intersection, ...
- put our tokens to a grid intersection and mark the real space which they occupied
- use a technical token: we put the this token to a grid intersection, ...
(11-22-2016, 12:34 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: Not aware of 3.5 (or 3.0 for that matter) defining any optional rules for "yourself" as POO having more than 5 ft space but PF does define it as extending outward from the boundaries of the creature's space which sounds intuitive but brings up the issue of large creatures affecting a waaaay larger area. (note that the original definition is equally bogus for creatures being larger than the entire area of effect). Honestly I don't have a solid concept on that aspect yet but I'm fine with anything having no more than 5ft space to have the POO for any emanation centered on them from the middle of their space.
One more thing. Bisons have space 10' means 2x2 squares not 2x1 what I used in the ongoing battle... so they are quite squeezed together there but let's gracefully ignore that for this battle... will handle it properly next time.
Yes I know, but we talked it already (when Torin and Portho was fight with the spiders) and you decided that we use the old rules from dnd 3.0.