(11-21-2016, 12:35 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: OoC : The dire wolf was not yet suymmon ed when Portho was still performing, ao qouls not gwt the courage bonus.
Lugar was adding up all my 1st Thoqqua's bonuses and he included the bard song, though he might have been just referring to Boo getting the bonuses from the song. I said, I didn't think my Thoqqua could benefit from the Inspire Courage because the critter didn't hear the song. But then Suranno posted and said, "Together with the bard's song (which I'm not sure should apply to elementals but they are not mindless after all) it's AC19 which is... still insufficient..." This sounded like his only issue with the Bard Song was that he wasn't sure if it should effect Elementals NOT that they weren't around when you were singing.
The conversation started >here<. Lugar mentions the bard song in the 1st post. I reply in the second about doubting the Thoqqua benefiting from the song. Then Suranno replies in the third message.
So, like I originally said, I doubted they should get the bonus but this is Surrano's game and I'm not going throw away a perfectly good +1 attack and damage bonus if he's giving me one.