10-28-2016, 08:28 PM
[OoC in UTF-8 encoding we can convert 728-0010 to 3728 + 30010 which would be the encoding for a BREVE ( ̆ ) + Data Link escape.. Breve Data Link Escape is kinda long... breve as a character just denotes a short vowel ... so now I have to brain storm.. data link escape is kinda fitting.. she's about to bust loose hehe... Ĕscape is just the standard pronunciation of Escape so shall we just call her Escape?]
Long sends a message to both Captain Sunt and Dez via his commlink.
~"Your pilot was sold to the Miner's Guild by the crew of the Harlot. Sending an image of her face to the Wildcard data banks, along with an image of the mining guild patch since Captain Sunt is not familiar with their insignia around the station."~
~"The only record I can find linked to the Lambda class shuttle is a reference to 'Kratos'. That could be a name of the vessel, a passenger, or just a code word."~
~"The harlot will not be in condition to pursue us, but I could do nothing about the Lambda class vessel, nor any other vessels that may be at the other docking facility. oh, yes, apparently there is another secret docking facility connected to the Rock base."~
After Long finishes conveying his message he quickly confiscates the weapons of the guard and the hold-out pistol from the boss, tucking them away in his rucksack attached to his chassis. He also quickly searcghes everyone for any more comm-links.. destroying any he finds.
[Perception [1d20+9] = 10+9 = 19}
While he does this he again zaps them with the stun baton to send them back into unconsciousness.
[OoC you did not describe the Rodian guard's weapons but I assume he had at least one.]
Once sure that the sentient beings are not going to awaken right away Long then proceeds to sabotage the input devices connected to the control tower (keypads/keyboards, control panels et cetera). He will then disable the comm links in the room.
[OoC he is aware that this will not hamper the control tower system itself.. just the ability of anyone trying to access the control tower systems from this room]
[Mechanics [1d20+14] = 10+14 = 24]
That completed he turns his attention to the lift mechanism, sabotaging the lift so that it is stuck up here at the top of the shaft and unable to be called down by the controls in the room below.
[Mechanics [1d20+14] = 3+14 = 17]
Then he will quickly fly down the shaft to the room below and listen at the door to make sure the way is clear before opening the door.
[Perception [1d20+9] = 7+9 = 16]
Long sends a message to both Captain Sunt and Dez via his commlink.
~"Your pilot was sold to the Miner's Guild by the crew of the Harlot. Sending an image of her face to the Wildcard data banks, along with an image of the mining guild patch since Captain Sunt is not familiar with their insignia around the station."~
~"The only record I can find linked to the Lambda class shuttle is a reference to 'Kratos'. That could be a name of the vessel, a passenger, or just a code word."~
~"The harlot will not be in condition to pursue us, but I could do nothing about the Lambda class vessel, nor any other vessels that may be at the other docking facility. oh, yes, apparently there is another secret docking facility connected to the Rock base."~
After Long finishes conveying his message he quickly confiscates the weapons of the guard and the hold-out pistol from the boss, tucking them away in his rucksack attached to his chassis. He also quickly searcghes everyone for any more comm-links.. destroying any he finds.
[Perception [1d20+9] = 10+9 = 19}
While he does this he again zaps them with the stun baton to send them back into unconsciousness.
[OoC you did not describe the Rodian guard's weapons but I assume he had at least one.]
Once sure that the sentient beings are not going to awaken right away Long then proceeds to sabotage the input devices connected to the control tower (keypads/keyboards, control panels et cetera). He will then disable the comm links in the room.
[OoC he is aware that this will not hamper the control tower system itself.. just the ability of anyone trying to access the control tower systems from this room]
[Mechanics [1d20+14] = 10+14 = 24]
That completed he turns his attention to the lift mechanism, sabotaging the lift so that it is stuck up here at the top of the shaft and unable to be called down by the controls in the room below.
[Mechanics [1d20+14] = 3+14 = 17]
Then he will quickly fly down the shaft to the room below and listen at the door to make sure the way is clear before opening the door.
[Perception [1d20+9] = 7+9 = 16]