10-21-2016, 02:22 PM
[OoC is Portho still up on Silent Giant's shoulders or is it dry ground here? I am assuming still up on shoulders]
Portho unslings his Handy Haversack and opens it beside Silent Giants head.
"I recommend we just stow all of that stuff, my sack or yours it does not matter, then when we are somewhere a little less damp Murkatos, Lugar, Torin and I can attempt to identify them. We all have our different methods, between the four of us we will sort things out quickly."
Portho unslings his Handy Haversack and opens it beside Silent Giants head.
"I recommend we just stow all of that stuff, my sack or yours it does not matter, then when we are somewhere a little less damp Murkatos, Lugar, Torin and I can attempt to identify them. We all have our different methods, between the four of us we will sort things out quickly."