10-12-2016, 05:20 PM
"Mephits and elementals could be helpful, especially those of the earth variety," Toot replies. "But we first see what happens. Remember, Earth Elementals no like water so they need to be summoned on walls or ceiling. Speaking of Earth Elementals..."
Toot concentrates to burn away the lesser Restoration from his mind and to have it replaced by a new summoning. He then grips his mistletoe and while making a beckoning motion with both hands, he whispers a supplication to the earth. Slowly a mound of [whatever material the ceiling is made from] lowers out of the ceiling and stares at Toot out of two hollow sockets.
"Earth Friend," Toot grumbles in Terren. "Me need you to scout under that circular room over there but you must remain 15' away from floor of room. Bad magic there that will hurt you and me no want Earth Friend harmed." Toot will show Elemental how far 15' is either on a wall or showing it his 10' pole and indicating one and a half times its length. "Please return before end of summoning to tell me what you found." [Duration of spell is 7 rounds. Earth Elemental has a Move of 20' so 2 move actions would be 40' per round.]
Toot concentrates to burn away the lesser Restoration from his mind and to have it replaced by a new summoning. He then grips his mistletoe and while making a beckoning motion with both hands, he whispers a supplication to the earth. Slowly a mound of [whatever material the ceiling is made from] lowers out of the ceiling and stares at Toot out of two hollow sockets.
"Earth Friend," Toot grumbles in Terren. "Me need you to scout under that circular room over there but you must remain 15' away from floor of room. Bad magic there that will hurt you and me no want Earth Friend harmed." Toot will show Elemental how far 15' is either on a wall or showing it his 10' pole and indicating one and a half times its length. "Please return before end of summoning to tell me what you found." [Duration of spell is 7 rounds. Earth Elemental has a Move of 20' so 2 move actions would be 40' per round.]