It might be just semantics but when he snickered and said, "You CAN get AS MANY as four bodyguards for the TIME BEING, was a little bit concerning.
"Can get," doesn't mean he WILL get. "As many," seems rather vague. Technically it's not even committing even one bodyguard. The, "Time being," seems rather vague as well. Does that mean as soon as he casts his spells and they no longer have use for him, THEN they will let him get smooshed? Or while he sleeps they will let him be smooshed? While he goes pee they will let him get smooshed?
You might notice that Toot has an aversion to being smooshed.
"Can get," doesn't mean he WILL get. "As many," seems rather vague. Technically it's not even committing even one bodyguard. The, "Time being," seems rather vague as well. Does that mean as soon as he casts his spells and they no longer have use for him, THEN they will let him get smooshed? Or while he sleeps they will let him be smooshed? While he goes pee they will let him get smooshed?
You might notice that Toot has an aversion to being smooshed.