09-10-2016, 12:38 AM
(09-09-2016, 01:07 PM)Lugar Wrote: Lugar listens and digests Toot's, Maul's, and Murkatos's rapid thoughts and ideas. This little gnome spoke of another mission to stop evil-doers from stealing the White Sun, I hope this little feller has gold, Lugar thinks. He finally takes his eyes away from Torin and speaks to the group, "The anti-magic field may be a spell trap, with another look I can try to disarm it. One thing I did notice about the guardian was that it seemed affected by lightning. This chimney we all missed, but you Murkatos, must extend into the middle of the mansion, into the area that is blocked by rubble and iron gates. This pit idea sounds good, I'd like to recover my pick-axe if possible though. There's some shiny valuables and armor in there. We managed to acquire this." He shows the bladeless hilt.
"I didn't see any chimney, then again I had the wits knocked out of me by that monster..." He reaches for his side again.
Portho peeks his several heads out from behind Torin's waist, warily watching the crazy gnome for ny aggressive move. Keenly aware that he and Torin were in grave danger as everyone was willing to shoot at them, and they were still limned in faerie fire, making escape impossible..
"Look, if what you say is true I am willing to help, lower your damned weapons. We can help."
"My my magics affect creatures with minds, not automatons. I will be little direct help in dealing with an adamantine statue, but I can find any hidden ways you may have missed in your search. I can inspire my allies to greater feats of skill and glory. And I am good at figuring out what things are and how they work magically if I can examine them. Let me have a look at that hilt, whatever it creates I will be no threat with it, it is too big for me."
[OoC If Lugar allows me to examine the hilt I will attempt first Bardic Knowledge then Use Magic Device to get a grasp of how it works exactly.]
[rolling d20+11 Bardic Knowledge (3)+11= 14 bleh]
[rolling d20+17 Use Magic Device (11)+17= 28 Woot! Task: Activate blindly Use Magic Device DC: 25]