07-29-2015, 11:02 PM
(07-29-2015, 10:14 AM)DM Surranó Wrote:(07-29-2015, 07:34 AM)Vitkyng Wrote: I have yet to pick his spells, or write his background story down. But here is his character sheet for a preview.
Portho Nihilbuck
I am extremely busy this week so it may take me until the weekend to get the character finished. But in the meantime let me know if there are any issues. I will create an in-character account later this week.
A brief feedback.
- Stats: OK
- HP: how did you get 44? If you rolled: where and when?
- Mithral rapier +1 is 20(base)+500/lbs*0.5lbs(mithral)+2000(ench) = 2270gp
- Pass without trace listed 2x
- Craft is a class skill
- Open lock is cross-class
Looking forward to your background, including the part how he obtained such precious equipment (meaning the toddler-sized elven chain and the mithral weapon).
No rush, I'm still expecting feedback from @ Stygianangel and @GM Marvel
The HP were not rolled.. as per your Max at 1st and 2/* at each level plus my Con bonus
6 + (6*4)+ Con 14 = 44
Oh I just assumed pay for the full pound on the mithral rapier and for some reason was thinking rapier 15 gp.. so I overspent some there. I'll correct it after work.
As for background I know OLD forgotten realms.. 1st and 2nd edition, nothing new.. is Ardeep Forest and Ruins of Illefarn exist in your game, as well as the High Moor? This is your world but I am just trying to find a way to tie his background into the world itself.