09-02-2016, 06:35 PM
For DM
Lugar isn't surprised that the door is shut. "At least the metal Titan didn't chase after us," he thought. "So this is just a guardian for that vault. But it didn't protect the crypts beside it... Something really valuable must be in there," he continues his thinking. He tries to remember everything he saw in there moments ago. His hand reaches for his side all by itself as the painful memory of the giant guardian's attack flashes through his mind. "Never been hit so hard in my life!" He grumbles to himself silently. There were weapons... I have the bladeless hilt, Giant grabbed a dagger, there was armor and a shield, maybe an axe or pole axe as well. Surely there is more he ponders. If only we could trick the guardian and take the valuables. The thought of fighting the metal monster again was not appealing... Lightning the human armorer said... Hmmm... Lugar stalks back to his companions. When he reaches the mansion door he will sneak up and see how the "negotiations" we're fairing.