The first post in the Experience thread says you have 1,180xp which makes you 2nd level.
As for your skill points, I assume the discrepancy is because of house rule #27. But you should have 4 (first level) +1 (second level) = 5 skill points not just 1 point.
Also don't forget about House Rule #25. Which I just noticed you have a 19 charisma so you must have already added the point. This stat point should be kept track of somewhere on your character sheet so you know you received it and so you know if you get a physical or mental stat at the next even level. Since you placed the 2nd level stat bonus in a mental score, at 4th level when you get your next stat bonus you must place it in either Str, Dex or Con.
As for your skill points, I assume the discrepancy is because of house rule #27. But you should have 4 (first level) +1 (second level) = 5 skill points not just 1 point.
Quote:Rule #27. Races don't receive any penalty for multi-classing. Favored classes give 4 skill points at first level and then +1 point for each level taken in the character's favored class. The class humans take at first level are considered their favorite class.
Also don't forget about House Rule #25. Which I just noticed you have a 19 charisma so you must have already added the point. This stat point should be kept track of somewhere on your character sheet so you know you received it and so you know if you get a physical or mental stat at the next even level. Since you placed the 2nd level stat bonus in a mental score, at 4th level when you get your next stat bonus you must place it in either Str, Dex or Con.
Quote:Rule #25. Get a stat point every even level. At 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level the player chooses a Mental (Int, Wis, or Cha) or Physical stat (Str, Dex, or Con). Then at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th they choose the opposite stat type. Remember, the enemies will get this bonus too. [Example: If a wizard chooses Mental for 2nd level and Physical for 4th level he would get 1 point to ONE of his mental stats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, etc and 1 point to ONE of his physical stats at 4th, 8th, 12th, etc.]