Saleem Abo El Asan: aka Hellspawn, Hellborne, Spawn
Real Name: Saleem Abo El Asan
Alias(es): Hellspawn, Hellborne, Spawn
[img]insert an image here[/omg]
Primary Abilities
Secondary Abilities
Health: 70
Karma: 925 (Gained after battle with Jack at Lisa's home)
Resources: Good 10
Popularity: 0
Origin: Random Mutant (200+10=210pts)
Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma: --
Powers ( - / - )
Talents ( - / - )
Contacts ( - / - )
Group Affiliation: new Mutants
Base of Operations: X-mansion
Occupation: Small trust fund
Identity: Secret
Physical Description
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Egyptian
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175/
Appearance: Dark, attractive. In Spawn Form, he`s jet black with glowing yellow ruins crawling over his skin, yellow eyes, fangs.
Costume: Dark colors.
Gear: Rich kid gear. Apple everything.
Transportation: Car
Mother: Dead
Father: Alive
Siblings: 2 older brothers, 1 younger brother, 3 younger sisters.
Demeanor: Biting sense of humor
Nature: Dark
Motivation: Working out
History: --
Notes: --
Alias(es): Hellspawn, Hellborne, Spawn
[img]insert an image here[/omg]
Primary Abilities
Ability | Rank | Score | Notes/Modifiers (roll) | Green F. | Yellow F. | Red F. |
Fighting | Excellent | 20 | 20pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Agility | Good | 10 | 10pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Strength | Good | 10 | 10pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Endurance | Remarkable | 30 | 20pts +1cs | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Reason | Typical | 5 | 5pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Intuition | Good | 10 | 10pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Psyche | Good | 10 | 10pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Secondary Abilities
Health: 70
Karma: 925 (Gained after battle with Jack at Lisa's home)
Resources: Good 10
Popularity: 0
Origin: Random Mutant (200+10=210pts)
Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma: --
Powers ( - / - )
Power | Rank | Score | Notes/Modifiers (roll) | Green F. | Yellow F. | Red F. |
1) Natural weaponry (blades) | Incredible | 40 | 10+5+30pts=45pts +1cs limitation | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
2) Body Resistance | Excellent | 20 | 10pts+20pts=30pts | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
3) - | Typical | 5 | -- | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
4) - | Typical | 5 | -- | 51-80 | 81-97 | 98-00 |
Talents ( - / - )
Talent | Notes/Modifiers | Green F. | Yellow F. | Red F. |
1) Edged Weapons | +1cs edged weapons - 10pts | - | - | - |
2) Martial Arts D | Ignore compared strength and Endurance's - 10pts | - | - | - |
3) - | -- | - | - | - |
4) - | -- | - | - | - |
Contacts ( - / - )
Contact | Notes |
1) one Contact | 5pts |
2) - | -- |
3) - | -- |
4) - | -- |
Group Affiliation: new Mutants
Base of Operations: X-mansion
Occupation: Small trust fund
Identity: Secret
Physical Description
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Egyptian
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175/
Appearance: Dark, attractive. In Spawn Form, he`s jet black with glowing yellow ruins crawling over his skin, yellow eyes, fangs.
Costume: Dark colors.
Gear: Rich kid gear. Apple everything.
Transportation: Car
Mother: Dead
Father: Alive
Siblings: 2 older brothers, 1 younger brother, 3 younger sisters.
Demeanor: Biting sense of humor
Nature: Dark
Motivation: Working out
History: --
Notes: --