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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
[FYI: This is some important information that may come up in this encounter.
  1. The effects of a normal rainshower is considered: GOOD intensity.  Which means Porsche will need to make a Green feat to effect the rain's effects.  If it were Typical then she could do it automatically because it's -3cs to her rank.
  2. Distance attacks in the rain are -1cs to hit.
  3. Distance attacks in Night Conditions are -1cs to hit.
  4. A moving target is harder to hit.  Targets moving up to 5 areas/round -1cs; Targets moving between 5 and 10 areas/round -2cs; Targets moving faster than 10 areas per round -4cs.  Currently Jack is moving about 6 areas per round so he can make turns easier.  But he can run as high as 20 areas per round!  
  5. In a round, a player may make 3 non-combat actions per round or 1 combat and one non-combat.  Anyone with an Excellent fighting or below (including talent adjustments) can make a Red Feat to get an extra combat action.  If you have a Remarkable fighting (with talents) you can make a yellow feat for 2 actions, or a Red feat for 3 actions.  An Incredible fighting (with talents) you need a Green fighting feat for 2 actions and a Red for 3 actions.  An Amazing fighting (including talents) you need a Green feat for 2 combat actions, a Yellow for 3 actions and a Red for 3 actions.  All multiple attacks are made at -1cs.  If you fail you only get 1 attack at -3cs]
[OoC1: Currently Johnny doesn't need to make any rolls.  And Malcolm is currently projecting a force field so that is his combat action.  He can still make a move action or make a Red fighting feat to add another attack action to his round. ]

[OoC2: Anyone may make an intuition check to try to notice Johnny flying in the air.  You have a -1cs and will need a green result because even though it's night time there are still street lights that is helping you see.]

[OoC3: Just a reminder, to declare your intentions to use Karma not only in your actions but also when you are rolling by adding +5 to your dice rolls.  So to attack you would type, Attack: [1d100+5] or Attacking with Karma [1d100+5]. Then there will be no confusion if you are using Karma or when you decided to use Karma.  ]

Gedeon is staggered by Jack's strike but manages to keep herself from being knocked flying.  Then while Porsche concentrates on icing the rain, Aurum runs past the barking dog who lunges at her.  Without missing a beat she whispers sleep which causes the dog to whine a little bit, then yawn and curl up for a nice little nap.   Aurum then continues to run around the side of the house until she meets up with Blink and Porsche.

"Why would they need protecting from me," Jack replies to Kat.  "I've never hurt anyone.  You know I wouldn't hurt a fly."

Sebastian looks at Kat like, 'is this guy for real?'
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RE: Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm - by GM Marvel - 06-30-2016, 06:58 PM

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