06-24-2016, 06:19 AM
(06-23-2016, 06:27 PM)Vidar the Red Wrote: Casters are squishy... With two at least one will survive Besides, there are only so many character options while there are several roles to fill in the kingdom as Valdi pointed out. From a story perspective there are so many options having two casters in the group can provide. They could critique each other over the finer points of The Art, represent different schools of thought, like diviner, controller, or offense focused. Maybe Nexendia could focus on spells that work with nature better, much like a Druid or Ranger but with the intent to build a better civilization?
As a DM, I know a group needs a wide variety of classes to have the most success. Having two casters is squishy and unless they are very coordinated they could end up with a lot of pointless overlap or redundant spell casting. For example, both casting fireballs and ending up with massive overkill would be a waste of spells. Or if one caster outshines the other it can take away from the fun which is why we all play the game.
As for critiquing each other... Have you seen Eran's stats? He'd be kind of punching down.
But about stats, did I make a mistake or something? I'm familar with 3.5 but PF stats use a different generator. We all get 32pt buy right? Because our stats should all be pretty even but when comparing stats, I have a +10 total stat bonus while the Eran has +13. When I used my stat calculator to calculate my stats I get 32pts but when I tested the calculator using Eran's stats (including +2 int/ +2 wis for his race) I get 37pts. I know that I get +2 int/ +2 Dex/ -2 con so that should account for a 1 point difference. So I'm wondering, did I use the wrong stat calculator? Or am I missing an option? I haven't picked my Kingmaker Trait yet so is that what I'm missing?
This is the stat calculator I used. Is there an official stat calculator that we all should be using?