06-21-2016, 08:09 AM
In case no one noticed, I gave out experience. Everyone received 300xp. That bumps Nacesh up to 2nd level. Nacesh may update everything on his character sheet except for his spells. He will have to rest to pick and regain spell slots.
Just a reminder for Nacesh,
1) When rolling hit points, the number rolled must be a minimum of Half max +1. So a wizard would get 3; a fighter would get 6; a cleric would get 5 etc. So you get the higher number between what you rolled or the minimum for your class.
2) Since you're a human, you get an additional skill point if you stay in whatever class you started with at first level. You also get your human skill bonus. So if you take another level in sorcerer you will get: base 2+ Int 2 + 1 for human + 1 for favored class = 6 skill points.
3) You get a stat point every even level that must alternate between your Physical and Mental attributes. So if you put a point in Charisma (a mental stat) at 2nd level, you must put your next point you gain at 4th level into a physical stat (Str, Dex or Con), and so on.
4) Having 5 ranks in Bluff or 5 ranks in Diplomacy gives you synergy with Sense motive.
5) Remember that as a Sorcerer you gain a bloodline from Pathfinder. On your sheet you have written that Nacesh has a Draconic Bloodline. I'm assuming you're leaning toward Fire so you either descend from Gold dragons or Red Dragons. You can find the link >here<.
That's all I can think of for now.
Just a reminder for Nacesh,
1) When rolling hit points, the number rolled must be a minimum of Half max +1. So a wizard would get 3; a fighter would get 6; a cleric would get 5 etc. So you get the higher number between what you rolled or the minimum for your class.
2) Since you're a human, you get an additional skill point if you stay in whatever class you started with at first level. You also get your human skill bonus. So if you take another level in sorcerer you will get: base 2+ Int 2 + 1 for human + 1 for favored class = 6 skill points.
3) You get a stat point every even level that must alternate between your Physical and Mental attributes. So if you put a point in Charisma (a mental stat) at 2nd level, you must put your next point you gain at 4th level into a physical stat (Str, Dex or Con), and so on.
4) Having 5 ranks in Bluff or 5 ranks in Diplomacy gives you synergy with Sense motive.
5) Remember that as a Sorcerer you gain a bloodline from Pathfinder. On your sheet you have written that Nacesh has a Draconic Bloodline. I'm assuming you're leaning toward Fire so you either descend from Gold dragons or Red Dragons. You can find the link >here<.
That's all I can think of for now.