Introduction: Ok, if you guys want to reroll your ability and power ranks you can. However, you might try something a little different that will make characters more equal. I've been looking at a point buy system that was once introduced in Polyhedron #72.
Starting Points: I think the old characters can have around 210 points, the new characters can have 190 pts, Old NPC's will start with 200 pts.
Overpowering: If you want a power or ability of remarkable it will cost an additional 5pts; Incredible a total of 15pts; Amazing will cost you a total of 25pts. So Static Charge's Amazing hyper-running will cost 85pts. (10 base power + 50 power rank + 25 for the Amazing power rank= 85pts.) These also have to be Oked by me.
Origin Bonuses:
Induced mutant: +1cs any stat for free
Random Mutant: +1cs endurance, Start with +10 Character points
Breed Mutant: +1cs to Endurance and Intuition for free.
Example: A random mutant spends 20pts for an Excellent Endurance. He gets to raise his Endurance to Remarkable for free. He also gets another 10pts to his starting character.
Additional Information: Older characters should buy their abilities and powers at Average Rank while the newbies should buy theirs at minimum for the rank. So the average would be Fe2, Pr4, Typ6, Gd10, Ex20, Rm30, In40, Am50; and Newbies should purchase theirs at Fe1, Pr3, Ty5, Gd8, Ex16, Rm25, In36, Am46. Any left over points can be put anywhere except ranks that are already RM, IN, or AM.
Bonus powers: Those powers that are listed as bonus powers in the PHB and UPB don't cost the initial 10pts for getting a power. But you can only get 1 bonus power for your character for this reduced cost. Additional bonus powers are the regular cost.
Power stunts: These do not cost Cp's because you have already paid Karma for these stunts.
Languages: This Talent costs 5pts to gain 1 additional language. To add more languages will depend upon how popular the language. For example, it will cost an additional 3cp's for one of the following Popular languages: Mandarin, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, and French.
Almost all other languages will cost 2cp's and any obscure language that hardly anyone has heard of will cost 1cp.
Character Point System
Determine Primary Abilities
Determine secondary abilities
Determine Special Abilities:
Since each special ability (powers, talents, and contacts) is purchased slightly differently, each is discussed separately.
Character Advancement
GM-Imposed Limits
Example: Static Charge Starts with 210cp's+10cp's (random mutant)= 220cp's
Starting Points: I think the old characters can have around 210 points, the new characters can have 190 pts, Old NPC's will start with 200 pts.
Overpowering: If you want a power or ability of remarkable it will cost an additional 5pts; Incredible a total of 15pts; Amazing will cost you a total of 25pts. So Static Charge's Amazing hyper-running will cost 85pts. (10 base power + 50 power rank + 25 for the Amazing power rank= 85pts.) These also have to be Oked by me.
Origin Bonuses:
Induced mutant: +1cs any stat for free
Random Mutant: +1cs endurance, Start with +10 Character points
Breed Mutant: +1cs to Endurance and Intuition for free.
Example: A random mutant spends 20pts for an Excellent Endurance. He gets to raise his Endurance to Remarkable for free. He also gets another 10pts to his starting character.
Additional Information: Older characters should buy their abilities and powers at Average Rank while the newbies should buy theirs at minimum for the rank. So the average would be Fe2, Pr4, Typ6, Gd10, Ex20, Rm30, In40, Am50; and Newbies should purchase theirs at Fe1, Pr3, Ty5, Gd8, Ex16, Rm25, In36, Am46. Any left over points can be put anywhere except ranks that are already RM, IN, or AM.
Bonus powers: Those powers that are listed as bonus powers in the PHB and UPB don't cost the initial 10pts for getting a power. But you can only get 1 bonus power for your character for this reduced cost. Additional bonus powers are the regular cost.
Power stunts: These do not cost Cp's because you have already paid Karma for these stunts.
Languages: This Talent costs 5pts to gain 1 additional language. To add more languages will depend upon how popular the language. For example, it will cost an additional 3cp's for one of the following Popular languages: Mandarin, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, and French.
Almost all other languages will cost 2cp's and any obscure language that hardly anyone has heard of will cost 1cp.
Character Point System
Determine Primary Abilities
Determine secondary abilities
Determine Special Abilities:
Since each special ability (powers, talents, and contacts) is purchased slightly differently, each is discussed separately.
Character Advancement
GM-Imposed Limits
Example: Static Charge Starts with 210cp's+10cp's (random mutant)= 220cp's