06-16-2016, 06:10 PM
Re admt There's a neat quote in Draconomicon, will look up when I'll have time. Essence is that admt is hard as diamond but more flexible I.e. the shaft absorbs shock which happens to coincide with real life. Take it as a house rule if you wish but I still prefer to call it clarification. E.g. will an admt mace cut a rope easier than a pewter knife? Nope. Not suitable for the job and I think someone already pointed this out that this aspect is mentioned somewhere the rules.
Re butter heart no, it's just me eager to reward unique solutions. A chance of one in 36 million sounds feasible but secretly I want it to happen
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Re butter heart no, it's just me eager to reward unique solutions. A chance of one in 36 million sounds feasible but secretly I want it to happen
Sent from my HUAWEI SCL-L01 using Tapatalk