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[IC] SOLO - Toot's Adventure
While letting her check out Boo, Toot replies, "Me just came from caves by making tunnel with thoqqua.  Me think Toot is cave doodid you speak of.  Bad spirit who hit Boo was down there.  Toot did spot large crocodile with mouth wide open yesterday morning.  But summon spells not act right when around croc so me run.  Large bear there too and nest with huge armadillo looking thing.  So strange so many predators being so close to each other.  You have idea what going on?"
Kiera smirks.

"Of course a high druid's will bent your control over the summoned animals; it's his realm after all. And the bear was my wild shape so that leaves the bullettes as predators. And the scrags. The forest is rich in game and the moor in fish and birds so it's not an issue. Evil spirits are the issue. There's an underwater entrance to the caverns under the mound on the western side. Scrags keep hunting there but they retire sometimes. I would not dare venture inside alone but with your size you can probably sneak past them."
Toot listens to what Kiera says and he thinks that maybe her belief in this High Doodid's control of summoned creatures wasn't as absolute as she thought or maybe she was outright lying.  If you had control of a creature, why then let it bite you in the tail.  Also, why didn't Landgrave in all their years together not mention High Doodids.  Landgrave was quite powerful himself so he must have been aware of them.  But these are questions for later.  Right now he wanted Boo feeling better.  And if this seemingly nice lady can help then, WOOT WOOT!

Toot nods then asks, "Kiera mentioned possible way of lifting hex from Boo?"
OOC - not explicitly written above but I assume that meanwhile you three got inside Kiera's hut.
The hut is a clever design of natural growth, supported by tree trunks and saplings, and interwoven with leafy undergrowth and bushes. The limerock bed is covered with natural moss and the stout table is made of some enormous mushroom. There's a kind of hanger next to the door, holding three cloaks for various weather conditions (hot; cold; wet). There are two shortspears; a wooden shield; and a composite shortbow with a quiver of arrows next to the cloak hanger. The numerous arrows feature black and white feathers. The rest of the equipment seems to be randomly scattered along the walls.

Kiera nods, taking a brooch from a pocket-like protrusion of a tree trunk that serves as part of the hut's wall.

"This brooch has the power to lift such ailment three times. I will use one of them since you were attacked by an evil spirit. I will even give you the brooch if you promise to get to the root of this evil. Even if you invoke its power three times it continues to provide protection against the negative energy attacks. The catch is that we don't have too much time. Taela said their plan is to 'steal the white sun' and there will be a white eclipse tomorrow. These spirits are impaired by daylight and if I got Taela's cryptic words correctly their master plan is to freeze time in the solar eclipse so that they can roam the open world freely. So you just take a healthy rest and off you go. I can help you get inside the caves but then you are on your own."

Kiera gives Toot some time to consider his answer. Meanwhile, she clasps the brooch on her cloak; kneels next to Boo, touching his mane and whispers, "A'miri!". A pale aura of light surrounds the druid and the bear, and a shiny beam jets up towards the night sky, but stopped by the leafy roof of the hut. Toot can tell immediately that Boo got better.
Toot watches what she does carefully for any suspicious actions.  She could still be a witch and instead of a Brooch of Hex lifting it could actually be a Broach of Scrumptious Seasonings.  But when the magic brooch seems to have healed his companion, Toot grabs Boo and gives him a thorough looking over.  When he's satisfied Boo is back to normal, Toot throws his little arms around the bear's snout and cries, "You really aren't a cannibalistic ugly old hag with a craving for little people!  You saved my Boo from life of frailty!  Toot thanks you so much!"

For maybe the second time in his life, Toot sheds a tear.  His Boo was safe.  But now she wants him to go back into the caves.  While still clinging to Boo, Toot shifts his gaze to Kiera.  "Toot just came from caves.  Too powerful for just Toot and Boo.  We only down in cave for maybe quarter hour and we ran away with tail between our legs.  What make you think we can survive this time?"  Toot pauses for a second then adds, "Oh, and do Kiera have a rope?"
"A rope?" Kiera asks, puzzled. "of course I do. And it's not me but the Circle who think you can do it. With the brooch no negative energy could affect you and I have another gift, this one's my own."

With that, she produces a coil of hefty rope and a tanned leather scroll case.

"A spell scribed by my former master. Works similar to Tree Stride but works with any living plant, be it a root, a sapling or a patch of moss. A druid just recites the spell, touches the plant and is brought back to Friar Oak, a friendly treant at the edge of this forest."

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"So Kiera give Toot brooch," Toot asks cautiously.  "No taksies-backsies?"  

Jermlaine loved little trinkets.  Even a broken button from a pair of old pants could be worth a small fortune to the right Jermlaine.  

While discussing the brooch, Toot takes the rope and inspects it carefully.  [You said it was hefty so I'm going to assume it's not a silk rope]  The regular rope was clumsy and oversized in his tiny hands.  Toot could use it but the rope would be cumbersome.  When he has a quiet moment, Toot produces his mistletoe from around his neck.  Then while chanting, he uses his sacred plant to quickly trace a circle with runes on a nearby stone (could be the stone floor if there is one or the limestone bed.  Whatever would be least personal or intrusive to Kiera.)  Toot finishes with a little shamanistic dance around the sigil he drew.  Suddenly a small earth elemental rises up out of the stone.

"See this," Toot says in Terran while holding up Kiera's rope.  "This (is a) rope.  Me lost long rope with knots, down in tunnel.  My rope is thinner but has metal claw on top end.  Follow the (first) tunnel.  Find Toot's thin knotted rope with claw on top and return to Toot.  Run!"
The woman frowns as he tries to understand the jermlaine's antics. "On your promise only." she replies seriously.

OOC - yes it's an ordinary hemp rope.
OOC - assume it was another extended SNA... or unextended?

The elemental abides the command and runs through earth. Time passes... and the elemental does not return before the spell ended.
[OoC: I didn't extend the spell because I figured I wasn't that far away from the first tunnel Toot dug.  And I forgot to mention I was swapping Lesser restoration.]

While waiting for the elemental to return, Toot hugs Boo's snout and scratch the bridge of his nose.  Toot was letting fate decide his next course of action.  Someone like Kiera couldn't understand what it was like to be in constant fear of being randomly killed in a multitude of horrible ways.  Jermlaine knew the fickleness of fate and they had created many superstitions that have helped keep them alive since the dawn of their creation.  That first day when the first happy and naive Jermlaine told his parents that he was going out into the big world to be somebody!  Then only to be scraped off big folk's shoe 30 seconds later.  So when the elemental doesn't return from retrieving such a simple object as a rope that would be sorely needed when cave diving, it sets Toot's finely tuned instincts on edge.  

"Me sorry, but fate telling Toot to stay away from caves.  Toot need rope and grapple for caves. Unlikely rope being guarded by monsters.  So make no sense elemental not bring rope back. Fate must be trying to tell Toot something. Toot not listen to instincts first time and Boo got hurt.  Toot not want Boo be hurt like that again." 
[ooc - it's just one problem that the elemental was so dumb it did not find the rope, in spite of the clever exhibit. The main issue is that Toot rode several rounds unicorn-back and bear-back from the first tunnel. Since the elemental had to look for it in the tunnels he could not run using earth glide since he didn't know the exact direction. Thus, the spell expired before he could eventually get to half the distance... and the saddest is that both Toot and player could've known this. ]

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