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[IC] Chapter 1-4: Cellars of Hate
(05-11-2016, 09:44 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: "Maybe he, or she, was taken out," Maul suggests.

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But who? And why? - he is uncomprehending - No, no, impossible - he shakes his head - Everything was untouched, the iron door too. Do you suspect witchcraft? Wink
"Yes. Necromancy, to be more exact, is capable of many nasty things. the armorer butts in.
While pondering the alternatives of undeath, a noise hits Giant's and Lugar's ears.
Private to Giant
According to the half-orc there are heavy steps on the level above, and slurring sounds like a heavy mass being dragged around on rocky ground.
He is readying his weapon.

Hush! Do you hear this? He is coming ... or rhinos are back. One thing is certain this is corporeal. Let's go up check it. - he whispers and leaves the room in hurry - Follow me!
Lugar silences and draws one of his crossbows, ready to follow Giant out of the tombs they just burgled. He ushers Maul and Murkatos out before he leaves, if there was another spirit coming to attack them then he needed Maul and the mage alive and didn't want to rush ahead without them.
The four exit the cryptic structure and look around in the soaked cellar but can't see anything different from before.
By the time they get to the ladder the footsteps die.
Giant climbs up silently and goes around the corridors. He quickly looks in the rooms, Library, Merri's room, etc.
Ooc - I imagine we were making a bit of noise ourselves that could have alerted what was above us?

Lugar puts a finger to his lips,similar to the ancient Drow sign-language, to signal the rest of the party to be quiet. He then listens intently for any sounds, cautiously moving through the water, trying to avoid making any waves or splashes before sneaking up the ladder to take a peak into the kitchen.

Listen (1d20=11)+4=15
Move Silently (1d20=4)+11=15
Hide (1d20=9)+7=16
Both Giant and Lugar finds everything undisturbed, including Merri's corpse.
There are no signs of any new creature, dead or alive.
Giant is looking for "new" tracks.

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