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The Rock
(04-23-2016, 03:23 PM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: Long lets out a distressed Binary moan as the Gand slips away to warn his boss.

He swivels his torso on his chassis and lets loose an ion blast at the Talz, enveloping him in crackling electricity. He then rolls quickly under the nearest table for cover.

[Ion pistol attack [1d20+8] = 17+8 = 25
Ion pistol damage vs biological [3d6+2] = 6+2 = 8/2=4 damage]

Long's ion blast causes the Talz to lose heart and he turns to run out the door.  The Talz doesn't make it far though as the Captain shoots between his legs hitting the Talz with a stun blast before the doors close.  An audible thud can be heard.

(04-23-2016, 09:42 PM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez takes the ten to twelve seconds required to give last rites to both Rodian and the Talz, with point blank coup de graces with her modified blaster pistol and then bolts for the door.

"We need to leave. Now!"

[3d6+6] = 6+6 = 12 x 2 = 24 to the Rodian
[3d6+6] = 13+6 = 19 x 2 = 38 to the Talz
(Automatic critical hit: unconscious or disabled opponents die or are destroyed instantly)

Dez strides over to make sure the Rodian is dead but is caught by surprise when the Rodian suddenly moves, pointing her blaster at Dez.  "CLICK...."  The Rodian's blaster misfired!  "Ahh poodoo!"

Your move Dez.
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[OoC the site was pretty glitchy yesterday (the last few days actually) but seems better now]
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The OoC thread says it's closed for me too.  As the Moderator can you click the button to reopen the thread?
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(05-11-2016, 02:18 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: Still can't post to the rpg thread. Says my posts exceed maximum size and wont allow me to post.
here's the stuff. I hope I can post it here.

"Wrong answer...the poos on you." Dez pulls the trigger.

Blaster Pistol PB: [1d20+7] = 8+7 = 15+4=19
Force Point: [1d6] = 4
Damage: [3d6+6] = 6+6 = 12 x 2 = 24

"NO WAI..." Krelli cries out before Dez finishes her off, leaving little doubt about her future.  As the smoke clears the Captain drags himself off the ground, wounded and bleeding.  

"We need to get back to my ship."  He coughs and spits up some blood looking down at the left over pieces of "Rusty," his old battle droid. "Never could shoot worth a damn." He says, then kneels down to remove some parts from the droid's head and torso.

Ooc - Krelli wasn't helpless so there was no automatic crit, she was very badly injured though and that's why she was playing dead and very easy to kill.  By the way I rolled a natural 1 when she was about to shoot you Dez. Lucky you!

XP Awards: 800 each ( If you want, I can keep track and simply let you all know when you leveled.)

If there are still posting issues let me know I will try to fix them as I get free time.
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As he rolls out from underneath the table, Long's retractable claw extends out to pluck up the fallen Rodian's blaster ond then transfers it along with his ion pistol to internal storage slots.

He vocabulates to the Besalisk captain as he rolls forward.

~"Captain Sunt, if you make sure to grab his processor, I can reinstall him in a newer chassis, if we can come to sme arrangement of course. We must hurry, the gand's friends will be securing your vessel and moving to block you from reaching the docking area."~

[OoC I'd use Stealth for a sleight of hand, but he doesn't really care if Dez or the Captain see him snag the blaster]
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(05-13-2016, 04:23 AM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: As he rolls out from underneath the table, Long's retractable claw extends out to pluck up the fallen Rodian's blaster ond then transfers it along with his ion pistol to internal storage slots.

He vocabulates to the Besalisk captain as he rolls forward.

~"Captain Sunt, if you make sure to grab his processor, I can reinstall him in a newer chassis, if we can come to sme arrangement of course. We must hurry, the gand's friends will be securing your vessel and moving to block you from reaching the docking area."~

[OoC I'd use Stealth for a sleight of hand, but he doesn't really care if Dez or the Captain see him snag the blaster]

"What do you think I'm trying to do you bucket of bolts!" The Captain grunts at the small droid that helped him during the fight. "C'mon, make yourself useful and give me a hand then.  There's more of him back onboard my ship, you can have your pick."

Holding his side Captain Sunt turns to Dez, "You look like hell, we should get you to a medical facility and patch up. I need to ask that Talz a few questions first.  I only stunned him."  He then limps over to the western door and stands over the Talz's sprawling body, blaster pointed at the back of his head.  He gives the body a few quick kicks.  "Hey you, wake up, numb nuts." 

Ooc - There is a medical facility on the station, there's a catch though, the "doctor" it is rumored is a prototype interrogation droid built during the last days of the Republic. Payment is usually in information. You can take your guesses at how operations usually go...
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"Oh, its nothing a little synthiskin can't fix." Dez responds and moves to help Captain Sunt. "The medi-droid here on the Rock is not known for its bedside manner." She adds. stills holding her blaster in case the shooting starts up again.

Three Swift Actions: (1) Second Wind (heals 12 of the 20 points of damage, reducing damage to 8)/ (2) Recover (moves Dez up the condition track +1) This will be immediately followed by One more Swift Action to complete Recovery.
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~"Captain Sunt, I will require passage in exchange for my services."~

He rolls up to the debris of the battle droid and picks up a few of the reuired processor components.
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(05-18-2016, 04:00 AM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: ~"Captain Sunt, I will require passage in exchange for my services."~

He rolls up to the debris of the battle droid and picks up a few of the reuired processor components.

"You're a spunky little fellow aren't you?" The Captain says to the droid who's negotiating with him. "Miss Synn, I can see you don't believe in memory wipes. tsk tsk."

Meanwhile, the Talz begins to groggily awake, letting out a loooong tooting buzz through its tube like mouth.  "Wakey wakey, fuzz ball.  How about you tell me who sent you and why you're here so I don't have to blast your brains full of holes?"  The Talz lets out a series of toots and buzzings but the Captain doesn't understand.  "Great, just great, anybody speak talzees?"

While all this is going on Dez is taking a few time outs to deal with the pain of being shot. "So the doctor is a no ehh? Lets take this one back to the ship and we can talk, unless you have other plans?" He says to Dez, gesturing at the Talz.
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