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~Character Construction/ Creation~
All his life James wanted to fit in, be cool like other kids, but several things prevented this. His loving mother was over protective and fed him all the time, this lead to his propensity for obesity. He was forced to dress "nice," wearing button up dress clothes all the time. He wasn't allowed to play in the mud and get dirty like other children. He also had asthma, which precluded him from playing sports. His mother pushed him to study hard and learn to play the violin. Needless to say the other kids picked on him, he was a ripe target for fat and momma's boy jokes. He never fit in. Finding out he was a mutant just made things worse. His parents decided to ship him off to a boarding school in New York after he sneezed and blew down half the house. It was the hardest thing his mother had to do.
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our Hyper breath and my Thermal Control I see combos in our future
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(03-03-2016, 11:27 PM)Porsche Villar Wrote: our Hyper breath and my Thermal Control I see combos in our future

Yes, we should talk more on this...Wink
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Character Sheet:  
Real Name: Jonathan Blair
Alias(es):  Adonis

[Image: prinzejunior02.jpg]

Primary Abilities
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
AgilityGood8-8 point buy-46-7576-9798-00
StrengthGood8-8 point buy-46-7576-9798-00
EnduranceRemarkable26-16 point buy +1CS from Random Mutant-36-6566-9495-00
IntuitionExcellent25-25 point buy-41-7071-9495-00
PsycheExcellent15-15 point buy-46-7576-9798-00

Secondary Abilities
Health: 37/37
Karma: 45/45
Resources: 5 (Typical)
Popularity: --
Origin: Late-spurred Maturity, Random Mutation.

Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma:  --

Powers ( 5 / 5 )
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Emotion Control Excellent20-20 point buy + 40 power rank-41-7071-9495-00
2) (Emotion Control) -------
3) Force Field against Emotion Remarkable30-10 power buy + 20 point rank + 1CS minimum-41-7071-9495-00
4) Empathy Typical5-10 point buy + 5 power rank-51-8081-9798-00
5) True Flight (Winged) Good13-10 point buy + 3 power rank +1cs (Wings limitation)-46-7576-9798-00

Talents ( - / - )
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) ------
2) ------
3) ------
4) ------

Contacts ( - / - )
1) ---
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---

Group Affiliation: --
Base of Operations: --

Occupation: Student
Identity: --

Physical Description
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Irish-American (3rd-generation)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190
Appearance:  Johnny has large, powerful, feathered wings sprouting from his shoulder blades.  These wings are not capable of granting him the ability to fly (yet...), but do give him the appearance of an angel to go along with a kind of trustworthy, wholesome charisma that exudes from his body and fills the air around him.  He was physically attractive before his change, but he would now be considered beautiful, his physically active form turned into a muscular specimen of pure muscle and sinew.  He rarely lets this get to his head even though he had become the most popular kid in school ever since his powers started acting out.  This is mainly because, as his primary mutations, he feels distinctly uncomfortable about them.  (Note: he is not *actually* an angel.  His powers began to manifest through Emotion Control and then through Wings and others).

Costume: --

Gear: --

Transportation: True Flight (Winged)

Mother: Rebecca Blair
Father: Shannon Blair
Siblings: Liana Blair (sister)
Demeanor: --
Motivation: --
History: Johnny's powers began developing slowly and steadily around the time he was 16.  He started becoming very popular around the kids in his school, unusually so in fact.  None of the upperclassmen could really explain why they liked hanging out with the Sophomore.  The boys got him his chance to try out for the varsity football team, and all the senior and junior girls fell head-over-heels for him the from the moment he walked by.  This is something neither Johnny, nor anyone he encountered could truly explain.  Tall, accurate, and strong, he not only made the Varsity football team, but became the lead quarterback and started showing signs of scoutable talent.  As a Sophomore.  It was utterly unheard of, but things started to get much stranger for Johnny.

During one game, a lineman tackled him and replays showed how immensely painful the hit had been.  He had torn his hamstring on the play, an injury which ended his season, but the strangest thing happened: many of the other players stopped what they were doing and started limping around and grimacing in pain, almost sympathetically...or maybe it was something else.

The next morning, Johnny's life took an even stranger turn.  He coughed out a large feather, one that would have been overly large on an eagle.  When he stood up, he fell backwards, off-balance from a strange weight.  When he got up again, he saw a pair of large wings had sprouted from his back.  He just stood there, frozen in place, looking at the massive wings now attached to his muscular frame.  His sister, barging into his room like she usually did, took one look at his new form, and then Johnny felt the swirling mix of emotions spreading from her mind and began clutching at his head.  Soon, the entire house was filled with different levels of fear, horror, and scarcely-concealed lust.  Filled with these conflicting and entirely confounding emotions, it wasn't long before Johnny decided the only logical solution was to run away.

Notes: --

Simplified Sheet!

Blank Sheet

Real Name:

Primary Abilities
Ability | Rank | Score | Notes/Modifiers | Green Feat | Yellow Feat | Red Feat
Fighting | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Agility | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Strength | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Endurance | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Reason | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Intuition | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Psyche | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98


Group Affiliation:
Base of Operations:




Mother: --
Father: -- 
Siblings: --
Demeanor: --
Motivation: --
History: --

Notes: --
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I have to have a chance to look over your character.  I'm at work at the moment but the one thing I notice is Regeneration is a "starred" power (*) which means it cost double.  So it would cost 20pts instead of 10pts as well as costing 2cp's per point rather than 1cp.  So your Regeneration should cost 30 points not 15 points. 

As for Emotion Control, the Ultimate Power's book is rather vague.  So I use the Player's Handbook version of the power which states that you start with 2 types of emotions and can develop others as power stunts.  Or you can choose one emotion with a +2cs to that emotion's rank but you can't develop any other kinds of emotion control.  I will have to do more research on the power because it's one that is rarely taken.  There is a newer "basic" book that updated some powers so I will see if there has been any changes.  Oh and I believe the attribute Emotion Control is resisted by is Intuition but I've seen it also resisted by Psyche which is why I have to look up the most recent rules.
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I didn't see the star near it, only next to Emotion Control. The theme of the character is that he's a 'non-angel angel'. He has wings, the general influential aura of likeability (or fear if you are the wrong type), and can heal. I was originally going to give him Flight, but it became too expensive, so the wings became more of a fluff thing. I can happily replace Regen with Healing and will await your decision on what to do about EC.
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Emotion control is one of those powers that the rules have changed quite a bit.  For example, in the players book it counts as TWO powers but in the Ultimate Powers Book lists it as ONE power and the New rewritten Basic book (I found it online at work) that has a lot of cool new rules on powers, doesn't list Emotion Control as a power at all.  Looking at the Website, Classic Marvel Forever, which is website created for a GM's own personal game that uses some of his own house rules has the power listed as ONE power but not another word about the power.  So as you can see it's a little confusing about which version is the best.  Personally, I lean toward the Players Handbook only because it has the most information about the power.  But I do need to check out a couple more things before making a final ruling on the power.  Such as Marvel characters like Empath and how the rules handle his power.  I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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If you'd prefer, I can choose something else
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No that's fine.  I just don't want you to take the power and then I spring a bunch of rules upon you that would make you regret your choice.

After looking around at my information I've come up with some clarifications.
  1. Emotion Control is a starred power so it costs double.  This means the base cost is 20cp's plus 2cp's per rank number.  The reason for this is because unlike mind control, it can effect more than one person at once so therefore it is more powerful.
  2. Initially it only effects people in the same area as you.  An area is about half a city block or around 44 yards horizontally.  I round up to 45 yards.  Vertically distance is measured in floors.  Each floor is around 15 feet or 5 yards.  It's been awhile but I believe indoor ranges are changed to feet.  So a horizontal area inside a building would be 44 (45) feet. (I will have to look that up again to make sure)
  3. You start off with 2 emotions and can develop more as power stunts.  Or you can choose 1 emotion and get a +2cs on the rank.
  4. Emotion Control is resisted by Intuition.
  5. I think that's it for now...
Some ideas to consider are taking Empathy, so you can detect emotions.  Force field vs Emotion attacks would allow you to help others too.  

As for your other ideas, Regeneration and Bio physical control: Healing/ Regeneration is also a Starred powers!   Confused   

I can offer you weaker versions that will have the normal cost.  Like Lesser Regeneration that will give you regeneration but at a slower speed.  Normally I say the character regains 1/10th their Rank number each turn (6 seconds).  Wolverine who has a Monstrous 75 rank would regain 7.5 hit points per turn or 75 hit points per minute.  Lesser regeneration would regain this health every minute instead.  So if Wolverine would heal 75 hit points per 10 minutes.  In both cases there is a maximum amount you can heal in a day based upon your Endurance.  Even Wolverine has shorted out his healing factor and needed time to recuperate. 

The Lesser Healing is the healing power located in the Players handbook.  Which means you can't use the power on yourself.  Both can heal a maximum of the rank number per person per day.  So if you have an Remarkable 30 rank and someone gets hurt for 10 points of damage.  You can heal that 10 hit points and you still may heal that same character up to 20 more hit points in the 24 hour period.  The timer starts when you first healed that character.

I hope this helps.
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(05-03-2016, 05:05 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: No that's fine.  I just don't want you to take the power and then I spring a bunch of rules upon you that would make you regret your choice.

Appreciate it.  Smile

After looking around at my information I've come up with some clarifications.

  1. Emotion Control is a starred power so it costs double.  This means the base cost is 20cp's plus 2cp's per rank number.  The reason for this is because unlike mind control, it can effect more than one person at once so therefore it is more powerful.
  2. Initially it only effects people in the same area as you.  An area is about half a city block or around 44 yards horizontally.  I round up to 45 yards.  Vertically distance is measured in floors.  Each floor is around 15 feet or 5 yards.  It's been awhile but I believe indoor ranges are changed to feet.  So a horizontal area inside a building would be 44 (45) feet. (I will have to look that up again to make sure)
  3. You start off with 2 emotions and can develop more as power stunts.  Or you can choose 1 emotion and get a +2cs on the rank.
  4. Emotion Control is resisted by Intuition.
  5. I think that's it for now...
Ok. I think I got it.  Not exactly sure why I raised Psyche, but I'll check into that later.  I also need to look at stunts.  I'm thinking it's better that I keep his Intuition high to guard against someone mind-raping him the same way. 

Some ideas to consider are taking Empathy, so you can detect emotions.  Force field vs Emotion attacks would allow you to help others too.

I thought about empathy,  but I don't think he has the cp for it.  Force field sounds interesting. 

As for your other ideas, Regeneration and Bio physical control: Healing/ Regeneration is also a Starred powers!   Confused   

Ah.  Bummer. 

The Lesser Healing is the healing power located in the Players handbook.  Which means you can't use the power on yourself.  Both can heal a maximum of the rank number per person per day.  So if you have an Remarkable 30 rank and someone gets hurt for 10 points of damage.  You can heal that 10 hit points and you still may heal that same character up to 20 more hit points in the 24 hour period.  The timer starts when you first healed that character.

Ok, it's an idea. Hmm...you know what? Now I'm thinking of dropping the healing thing and making him a straight up empath.

I hope this helps.

Yup.  Thanks a lot Smile
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.