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Character Concepts
RE Current year:  That's fine.  I was just wondering how long after for my character's age but I guess it doesn't matter.  Though now that I think about it, the current year should be common knowledge unless they use a completely different Calendar or we're in some weird pocket dimension.  Tongue

So far my background idea is, I joined a group of explorers who were checking out a little known planet.  Turns out there was a hidden ancient Jedi Temple there that they actually wanted to loot.  Since she didn't know what they were doing, so an innocent, the defenses killed all them and left her stranded.  When she returned to the ship she found that it had been damaged.  With no parts to fix it she was stuck on the planet.  Over the next few years she explored the Temple and found Holocrons of teachings from Jedi Masters.  She was a quick study and soon learned the ways of the force.  Eventually she had a vision.  Through the vision, she was led to an unknown part of the temple where she found a crashed ship with a skeleton of a Jedi.  When she looked inside, a recording suddenly started playing that told any Jedi who found his remains, to please take what they needed from his equipment and complete the quest [Leave that to the DM] that they didn't have a chance to finish.  So she took the lighsaber and some parts from a crashed ship to fix her ship.  Soon she was on her way but she had some engine trouble and ended up on the Rock.  Now she is looking for clues to where she was to go next.  So far, she's tried to search her feelings with the force but she hasn't learned much [see below].  

[OoC: The recording she saw when she found the ship could have been either a recording or actually force ghost.  That's up to the DM.  As for, Searching her Feelings, I'm thinking that maybe she saw a vision telling her to find a Droid (or something) named, "Long."  Droids always have interesting hidden information hidden inside of them.  Tongue ]
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(04-25-2016, 01:00 AM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: I just discovered that droid DO get Force points. So now I need to read up on those rules.

It's simple. You have 5+1/2 your level of Force Points which you don't regain until you reach a new level. You can spend a Force point at any time and add it to one of your rolls.
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(04-25-2016, 05:52 AM)Nexendia Wrote: RE Current year:  That's fine.  I was just wondering how long after for my character's age but I guess it doesn't matter.  Though now that I think about it, the current year should be common knowledge unless they use a completely different Calendar or we're in some weird pocket dimension.  Tongue

So far my background idea is, I joined a group of explorers who were checking out a little known planet.  Turns out there was a hidden ancient Jedi Temple there that they actually wanted to loot.  Since she didn't know what they were doing, so an innocent, the defenses killed all them and left her stranded.  When she returned to the ship she found that it had been damaged.  With no parts to fix it she was stuck on the planet.  Over the next few years she explored the Temple and found Holocrons of teachings from Jedi Masters.  She was a quick study and soon learned the ways of the force.  Eventually she had a vision.  Through the vision, she was led to an unknown part of the temple where she found a crashed ship with a skeleton of a Jedi.  When she looked inside, a recording suddenly started playing that told any Jedi who found his remains, to please take what they needed from his equipment and complete the quest [Leave that to the DM] that they didn't have a chance to finish.  So she took the lighsaber and some parts from a crashed ship to fix her ship.  Soon she was on her way but she had some engine trouble and ended up on the Rock.  Now she is looking for clues to where she was to go next.  So far, she's tried to search her feelings with the force but she hasn't learned much [see below].  

[OoC: The recording she saw when she found the ship could have been either a recording or actually force ghost.  That's up to the DM.  As for, Searching her Feelings, I'm thinking that maybe she saw a vision telling her to find a Droid (or something) named, "Long."  Droids always have interesting hidden information hidden inside of them.  Tongue ]

I like it. I'll get you into the story soon with some more background info.
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Hey, This is Nexendia.  Just created an account and avatar.  

I'm having trouble with a name...  Do you guys like Shunna Maza?  Another option I was thinking about was Tzofia Parvaine?  Or maybe Tzovia Endraudi?  Confused
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(05-05-2016, 04:32 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: Hey, This is Nexendia.  Just created an account and avatar.  

I'm having trouble with a name...  Do you guys like Shunna Maza?  Another option I was thinking about was Tzofia Parvaine?  Or maybe Tzovia Endraudi?  Confused

I like Shunna Maza, rolls off the tongue.  Tzofia Parvaine is nice too, but sounds Gothic to me for some reason.  Good Vampire name, maybe Ventrue?
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Ok, Thank you.  As someone who loves unique names, I've always felt Star Wars characters have some of the coolest.  To just name a few examples...

Mace Windu
Count Dooku
Boba Fett
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Luminara Unduli  Heart

That last one really rolls off the tongue.  It's kind of what I strive for when trying to name my characters.
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Shunna is almost done.  I just have to buy my equipment which I should (HOPEFULLY) have that done Tuesday at the latest.

As a Newbie to Star Wars, does anyone have any suggestions for general equipment I should think about for regular adventuring/scouting or for a Jedi? 

I know I get a free Lightsaber which I plan for now to only use in emergencies or when I can be reasonable sure that anyone who sees me using it will die before telling anyone. 

I've also been thinking of Lightsaber's designs.  For example, Count Dooku's saber had a curved hilt; Darth Maul had a Dual-Saber; The Wookie Padawan on the Clone Wars had a hilt made of wood.  Just off the top of my head, I am thinking about a intricately fluted hilt made from Jade that kind of looks like a Recorder except the mouth piece (where the blade comes out)  is shaped like outer edge of a Calla Lily petal which is also Jade.
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I was looking at equipment and noticed that we are suppose to pay a licence fee or black market fee and then make a Bureaucracy check for a licence or a Gather Information check to find a black marketeer that has the item.  Are we still doing all this?
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Okay so I am working on a Twi'lek female. 

Basic backstory is she is a slave who had managed to escape but was quickly captured by a Bounty Hunter. Theda's captor was so enamored by her that he decided to keep her for himself and not collect on the bounty. It wasn't too long after that, while making a short layover on The Rock, that the Bounty Hunter found himself saddled with quite a hefty gambling debt. To clear his account and be allowed to leave he had to turn over Theda to the Cantina owner to settle things up. Since then she has spent the last couple of years working the bar and tables as well as a bit of dancing for the local watering hole. Secretly though she had acquired some side work, having a sharp mind and a desire to escape again, she began trading information she randomly gleaned from the Cantina's patrons. For the right tidbit of intelligence she has gathered a hidden stash of coin. With the hope one day to purchase a blaster and a set of traveling clothes as well as passage on an outbound vessel. The present time finds herself ready to take that final step and find a ship and a captain willing to fly her out.

Character Sheet in the works. Found the rule book online and have been reading up. I'm sure I'll have some questions soon enough.

UPDATE: Reading through the game thread, sounds like all hell is breaking loose! Big Grin
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Im glad you've been interested in this Star Wars game. I wonder if the release of a new Star Wars movie is helping me out? I like Theda already! Any idea what class you'll want to play? This would be the perfect time to jump right in, especially with Dez and the Captain, but there are other options as wellSmile

That side work might have involved a shady Duros... Whether that's Flik or Zann, or someone else I'm not saying... yetWink
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.