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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
When Gedeon vanishes, Trevor squints and then carefully pokes her where her shoulder should be.  "Are you still here?  Ash didn't disintegrate you or anything, did she?"
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"Careful, muchacho A girl might think you are being overly bold."

She grins.

"I get the feeling this will be a short flight."
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Saleem looks at Porsche innocently.  "Overly bold?  I haven't the faintest clue what you're speaking of."  Then he stammers, "Wait.  You thought?  That I?  Really?"  Saleem pauses a moment to ponder the last few minutes then says, "I'm hurt you would think an innocent question was anything more than someone wanting to alleviate your discomfort.  Perhaps it is you who are too bold!"  Saleem then crosses his arms and looks away.
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Porsche gives a throaty chuckle. "Well, certainly no one has ever accused me of being shy."
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Saleem smirks at Porsche comment and then shifts his eyes in her direction.  "I'm only joking.  You didn't seem the type to be offended by the occasional bold comment.  But now that I know you're a delicate flower I'll be more careful in the future," Saleem says Jokingly.
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Gedeon is still very solid to Trevor's poking, and he feels a light thwap of fingers across his chest. "Still here."
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Aurum begins a headcount, while assuring Malcolm. "No prying, I promise." In the middle of the headcount, Miranda appears, throwing Aurum off. She frowns slightly. "Well, I thought I could squeeze everyone in, if I didn't count Jean and Scott as everyone. But now I'm one over...." She points a thin finger at the space Gedeon was occupying. "Gedeon should be in, since we can't see her." Then she points to Miranda. "Miranda should be in, because she can catch up to him..." She looks over the others. "Malcolm and Trevor for containment. Ashlee to keep tabs on Gedeon..." Her thought train stops being verbal for a moment, then she looks at Saleem.

"I'm leaving you out, as a free agent."
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Katrina quietly speaks up. "I don't really need to be in. I'm not sure why I'm even going, actually."
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Aurum nearly cuts Katrina off. "There are thoughts suggesting that you may be the only one he'll really talk to. If that's the case, we need you here, and in the link."
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Katrina slumps in her seat, and lets out an unenthused "oh..."
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