04-05-2016, 04:07 PM
[OoC I know it is on;y a loose FR feel.. I was just trying to give an indication of time and defaulting to DR was easiet]
[IC] The Dwarven Ruins
04-05-2016, 04:07 PM
[OoC I know it is on;y a loose FR feel.. I was just trying to give an indication of time and defaulting to DR was easiet]
(04-05-2016, 12:52 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: "I am not opposed to assisting you in your quest for your lady Lirr. However I am absolutely opposed to following blindly, so you must tell me that which you seek." - Okay you made your first decision: Maybe you want to support my mission, but you need more information. (04-05-2016, 12:52 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: "Otherwise I will simply wish you well met and we can go our separate ways." - I will take you for a "little journey", there will be some stations where you must made some decision, promise, oath ... You can say NO anytime and then we go our separate ways. (04-05-2016, 12:52 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: "I have told you why I am here, to seek the scroll that the Lord Peirgeiron of Waterdeep has offered a reward for. However that is not my personal quest. will not continue it to certain doom." - I hope after we finished this "little journey" we will trust each other, and we can find interesting, valuable things together which helps us to reach our goals. So lets start, ... I had blessed by a Lirr's angel when I had borned. I had grown up as an ordinary dwarf. I had become a smith, but I always had known, that I had destined for a higher purpose. Once a time my Lady had appeared for me and this was changed my life. I had started to serve her as a priest. One important thing: I'm a dwarf and not a duergar. I hate duergars, but ... - he take a little pause, and then continues: My first time, when I was seeing the beatiful sunshine was a few months ago, because I had borned in the Upperdark about 3 miles below the surface. -So what is your decision: Do you go on your own way? Or we can continue this journey?
04-06-2016, 04:03 PM
"I understand that you are a devotee of Lirr, and respect you for that. However you are talking in circles and trying to avoid actually answering the question. What are you doing here? In this dungeon? What quest is it that Lirr has you on?"
"I have told you that I am down here simply hoping to find knowledge of Dolblunde, or failing that, finding some wealth to aid me in financing my search. What is it that Lirr has you seeking?"
04-06-2016, 06:26 PM
I'm don't speaking in circles, this is the dwarven way when we are talking about important things. You must understand that I can't share my holy mission with somebody, who I met about 10 minutes ago.
If you really want to know my mission, then you must swear an oath inside a zone of truth in tomorrow morning. After this oath, I will tell you what I doing here. Of course I will swear an oath also. What is the name of your deity? We must prepare our oaths, ...
04-07-2016, 03:04 PM
"I I venerate Garl Glittergold, and Baervan Wildwanderer. Though I would hardly say I am religious. No more than any other gnome."
"Do you know of a safe place where we could rest? I have told you the truth and have no fear of taking an oath of such. I could use the rest to replenish my spells, I must confess I have little magic left to me.""
04-07-2016, 03:24 PM
OOC - @DM: Who far is the surface? Does Torin know a safe place for rest, which they can access "easily" and without Dimension Door (Fly is acceptable)?
04-07-2016, 06:45 PM
OOC - Surface is about 100 feet up. There's no known danger around this level of the ruins; as far as humanoid remains and dead spiders are not considered a threat. The levels above, on the other hand, were infested with all kinds of nasties and neither of the two could tell for certain how many of those remained.
04-07-2016, 07:38 PM
(04-07-2016, 06:45 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: OOC - Surface is about 100 feet up. There's no known danger around this level of the ruins; as far as humanoid remains and dead spiders are not considered a threat.OOC - Okay, but how much time does it to Torin to get out here? (04-07-2016, 03:04 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: "Do you know of a safe place where we could rest? I have told you the truth and have no fear of taking an oath of such. I could use the rest to replenish my spells, I must confess I have little magic left to me."" - I'm almost full. I sleep when I'm tired and not when I must replenish my spells. Do you said that you slept a few hours ago (in a cocoon ![]() Can we continue the searching? Yes. I now a good place to rest.
04-07-2016, 08:03 PM
"I expended much magic eluding the two spiders I encountered, both are still very much alive but now trapped where they cannot reach us, but I am otherwise in good health, since I am something of a healer myself."
"If you insist on pressing on with the search I can.""
OOC - I merged our maps
Torin's map - Lets start the searching with the heaps. After this we can continue the searching from the most northern part of this chamber and go backwards to south. (OOC - take20) |
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