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Missing Caravan
Selina nods to Betimi. She had been following along, lending what support she could...but she was not stealthy. Nor even without her heavy, clinking armor. The best she could do was to be silent. She wasn't looking forward to seeing a spider that big. Even regular-sized spiders repulsed her. But if she saw it, she would gladly send a volley or two into its body. As many bolts as it took, and she would then tread on it to be certain.
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Gilley nods silently to Tomeal. His shoulder drops slightly and his bow slides down his arm, into his waiting hand, as his other hand reaches back to pluck an arrow from its quiver. He draws the length of the arrow across the grip, sliding it onto the arrow nock as smoothly as a violin player. Then he follows the others, eyes keen ahead for movement.
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All of you manage to make it past the trapped section of hallway and are now in the larger cavern.  Most walls are lit with shadowy light from your torch that makes the shadows cast by all the webbing all the more creepy.  The closest wall is a little less then 10' to the west and completely shrouded in web.  A trickling noise draws your attention northwest where peeking through a drape of webbing you spot your torchlight sparkling off the surface of a spring.  Everything else is still and quiet.

"WELL THIS IS JUST PERFECT.  SO WHERE DO WE GO NOW, OH TERRIBLE TOUR GUIDES?  HUH," Mardak exclaims not noticing his voice echoing through the cavern.  "If this was an ambush the spider is doing a half assed job.  With our luck, it's munching on Ohma and my bestie, Piper right now."  Squinting his eyes at something off in the distance, he adds, "Can anyone see the other entrance to this place.  The torch light doesn't reach that far."

[OoC: Even with Darkvision, all the webbing makes it impossible to see the door from where you're standing.  But even if there wasn't any webbing, The everburning Torch light reaches to 20' and shadowy to 40'.  The door is about 45' away from the first square south of the Trap.]
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Selina's eyes spring wide open at Mardak's sudden outburst.  She slowly turns her head to him,  an acid look in her yellow eyes as she stares razor-sharp daggers at him.  Pressing her lips together, she prays for the guidance of a spell that will plant a metal band around his head at the level of his lips and remove his vocal folds at the same time...but knows that such a spell does not exist.  Such a pity.  She reaches over and grabs his face, hand covering his mouth, squeezing harshly and whispering in response.

"Be.  Silent.  Or.  I.  May.  Just.  Remove.  Your.  Tongue.  With.  A.  Dull.  Scalpel."

She keeps her hand there, exerting pressure against his offending jawbone as her eyes bore in on his like a coiled serpent's.
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Mardak, 'eeeps' when Selina grabs him by the face.  He's a little surprised by how intense she had become all of a sudden and it kind of turned him on.  So instead of spouting his usual nonsensical bullcrap about holding someone to honor that he himself had absolutely respect or interest of following himself, Mardak just licks Selina's hand.
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"Mardak, if you are incapable of restraint, then we shall roll you in webbing and leave you stuck to a wall while we complete our task"

Then seeing Selina's grimace of disgust at his licking her hand she adds.

"I'll leave it to Selina to decide if we cut breathing holes in the web."
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Gilley gives Mardak an unamused glanced, then looks up and around at all the webbing. In a low whisper, he offers, "Well, we could light it on fire and let it burn out, but if there is anyone trapped in it, that would hurt them..." He holds one hand up for the group. "Maybe I can find tracks..." Padding a couple steps forward, he begins examining the ground. A spider wouldn't leave tracks on its own webs, but its victims would, and if the spider moved them recently, then maybe he'd find out where.

Survival [1d20+6] = 3+6 = 9
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Selina's face curls in disgust as he licks her hand and she releases his chin, but only so she can backhand him. Hard. With a chainmail covered hand. Giving him no more of her attention, she turns to Gilley and nods at his ideas. Fire would flush the monstrosities out at the possible cost of hanging captives. Selina had no real interest in taking that chance. Now that they were likely to be the victims of an ambush thanks to Mardak's stupidity, Gilley's second idea of looking for tracks sounds more fruitful.
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Spares no more than a glance at Mardak's outburst - he'd come to expect them, and with Selina and Betimi handling it quite capably, there was no need for his involvement.

He nodded at Gilley's words - he agreed that burning the webs would be a poor idea, and had to admit he wasn't even sure if spiderwebs were flammable. He does move forward slightly with the man, making sure to stay out of his way, but just keeping near him in case something unexpected happened.
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Nacesh makes a brief and quiet note only upon Gilley mentioning fire.
"Keep this option as last resort"
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