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[IC] Chapter 1-4: Cellars of Hate
Lugar finds no traps on this door.
Do you think this is a wall not a secret entrance? - he points to the iron wall - Can somebody detect wichcrafts here? The whole building is full of witchcrafts.

Yeah, we have to rest. Let's go.
(03-23-2016, 08:08 PM)Silent Giant Wrote: Do you think this is a wall not a secret entrance? - he points to the iron wall - Can somebody detect wichcrafts here? The whole building is full of witchcrafts.

Yeah, we have to rest. Let's go.

"I think there is definitely more here than meets the eye.  Why build a wall of iron unless you are trying to keep thieves out?"  Lugar goes to the dry area and dumps the water out of his boots.  "Who's thirsty?"
OOC - so is it an attempt to camp here? The dry area is no larger than one step of the stairs, about 5 feet long by 9 inches wide. Hardly enough for anyone to rest here.
(03-24-2016, 03:44 PM)Lugar Wrote:
(03-23-2016, 08:08 PM)Silent Giant Wrote: Do you think this is a wall not a secret entrance? - he points to the iron wall - Can somebody detect wichcrafts here? The whole building is full of witchcrafts.

Yeah, we have to rest. Let's go.

"I think there is definitely more here than meets the eye.  Why build a wall of iron unless you are trying to keep thieves out?"  Lugar goes to the dry area and dumps the water out of his boots.  "Who's thirsty?"

No thanks. I am hungry not thirsty. I have swallowed enough water today. Smile
But if you have some better drink I am ready to taste it.

ooc - there was an old elvish drink, wasn't? Smile
Maul and Murkatos don't want to support us with spells? Smile
Spells? What spells? You may have noticed that the armorer has long since run out of them. Maul kept casting cures and stuff without the DM counting Smile
"My feet are getting wrinkly." Lugar says then puts his boots back on.  "Hmmm, elvish wine."  Lugar mumbles and thinks about Merri.  "Might as well have a sip, but not here, never know when it will be your last.  I'm heading back to the kitchen.  Had enough of this muck."
The kitchen seems to be large and dry enough to rest. Even Maul has no concerns about retrieving the second flask of brandy from Merri's pack; it's team property after all.
(03-24-2016, 08:35 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: Spells? What spells? You may have noticed that the armorer has long since run out of them. Maul kept casting cures and stuff without the DM counting Smile

ooc - oh, I have forgotten we are not in PF where they can use cantrips, orisons again
I am the first watcher. Who is the next?

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