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[IC] SOLO - Portho's Adventure
While inspecting the garbage, Portho hears a clanking noise, as if someone heavily armored marched nearby. With the complex layout of these catacombs it's hard to tell how far the source sound is, let alone which direction.
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zzportho eill wuickly and quietly search the piles of debris in this room, just to dee if there is anything useful to be found . Then he will move to the corridor, and tucking his continual flame torch within the folds of his cloak to conceal most of its light. He will keep his left shoulderagainst the north wall of the corridor and attemptto be a stealthy as possible moving back out to the other room.

[rolled in Roll20 Portho Nihilbuck: rolling d20+13 Hide (9)+13= 22]

Once he reaches the corner he will peek out listening for the metallic noise again... trying to discern which of the other passageways it emanates from.

[rolling d20+6 Listen (16)+6= 22]
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Portho can't see any movement but he thinks that the noise comes from beyond this hall, from the northeast.
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Portho again pulls out his light and moves into the main room up to the next passage in the west wall and looks in.
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That one proves to be a dead end. Meanwhile, Portho gained sneak peek to the other passages that seem to lead further (map updated)
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Portho will quietly poke through the heap in the alcove he is looking into, then if he finds nothing will cross the room and slowly enter the corridor,
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Portho tries to be as quiet as possible but still he manages to make some noise when uncovering a round item that falls on the floor and splashes into a pool of smelly liquid. From the smell he thinks it's some kind of rotten fruit, maybe a melon.
Peeking around to see if someone caught the splashing noise he spots the armored figure far to the northeast (marked on map). Quickly, the gnome retreats to the shades. He did not have time to get a good glimpse on the figure but it seemed to be about Medium size.
In no more than a minute Portho can see the creature approaching. It looks like a dwarf in heavy armour but which subrace, surface or deep or even duergar, he cannot tell from his hiding spot.
What do you do?
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(03-18-2016, 04:55 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: Portho tries to be as quiet as possible but still he manages to make some noise when uncovering a round item that falls on the floor and splashes into a pool of smelly liquid. From the smell he thinks it's some kind of rotten fruit, maybe a melon.
Peeking around to see if someone caught the splashing noise he spots the armored figure far to the northeast (marked on map). Quickly, the gnome retreats to the shades. He did not have time to get a good glimpse on the figure but it seemed to be about Medium size.
In no more than a minute Portho can see the creature approaching. It looks like a dwarf in heavy armour but which subrace, surface or deep or even duergar, he cannot tell from his hiding spot.
What do you do?

With a silent prayer to Baravar Cloakshadow, Portho quickly casts his last 2nd level spell, whispering the incantation as silently as he can, turning himself invisible.

[Move silently tomuffle the sounds of hos words when casting (The Sculpt Sound will completely silence the rest) .. in Roll20 rolling d20+6 Move Silently to muffle casting
(1)+6= 7... thankfully the 50' of distance is gonna add a +5 modifier to the listen lol]

Portho's voice squeaks as he tries to muffle the awkward vowels of the incantation. Gulping with fright he tucks his everborning torch into the folds of his cloak, dousing its glow, and steps 5' to the south.

[Standard action to cast, move actuin to sheath torch, then 5' step]
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The last thing Portho can see before he could hide the torch is the armored dwarf turning straight into his direction. Then all turns dark.
Straining his eyes in vain in the darkness he relies on his hearing and in response to his glamer comes another incantation. Things seem to turn from bad to worse; as the bard recognises the spell from the very first voice: it's the divine incantation for Invisibility Purge!
He does not need to be reminded how dwarves can see in the dark and how gnomes can't...

Your turn!
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Realizing that his invisibility enchantment has failed him and there is no way he can escape this massive armoured figure, Portho decides his best bet is to soothe it enough to allow his escape.

He steps 5' back into the alcove, then drops the torch and his sword, he pulls his flute out, not knowing if the dwarf would even understand common, and begins to play, hopingbto fascinate the dwarf.

[Perform check in Roll20... Portho Nihilbuck: rolling 1d20+14 Perform(flute)-[Fascinate] (10)+14= 24, Will save DC vs. the Fascinate is 24]
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